Beiträge von mackintosh

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    Are we sure we're not discussing two different issues here? Yes, the bridge menu can take some time to load at first, but that's just the game caching things. The issue I'm rereferring to is some kind of a mod conflict that trips the game into a script reload loop, and it happens if you try to build a bridge, a tunnel or do any kind of work near a bridge or a tunnel.

    See, this is what happens as soon as I get near a bridge with a bulldozer, or try to upgrade track. It repeats a dozen times before the game finally unfreezes.

    It's certainly not all bridge mods, because I tested that. It could be bridge mods or a specific bridge mod in conjunction with other mods causing this issue, but bridge mods alone do not. Heck, it could even be a load order conflict. Unfortunately, with over 1500 mods in my current save game I will never figure out which particular combination is at fault. Hopefully, someone with fewer mods might eventually figure it out.

    Apologies for replying in English - but I have also seen this issue since the latest patch. I have no idea what causes it, but it could be related to bridge mods. I have noticed that whenever I try to build, bulldoze, or do any kind of work near a bridge it appears to force multiple script reloads. Other than that oddity, I haven't seen anything else nor anything that would point to a specific mod, or mods.

    Thank you so much for all these wonderful mods. It never ceases to amaze me how many talented artists take time out of their busy lives to participate in this event. Year after year it continues to deliver amazing creations. You guys make this holiday season so much more special, and each December a month to look forward to. Thanks again! Merry Christmas!

    I don't see any performance improvements. The game still takes a very long time to load a heavily modded save (up to 5 minutes with 1200 mods), even off of a Gen4 nvme. Editing larger stations still drops fps to between 1 and 5. Some of my games are crashing with the old Assertion "m_visited' failed error, which if I remember correctly is a collision calculation error. Something I had not seen since TPF2 was released - or maybe even as far back as TPF1.

    Oh, and obviously remove CommonAPI if you're using it, the game will refuse to start otherwise.

    Do you have the latest nvidia drivers installed (496.13)? TPF2 will crash with an "an error occurred" message with this driver installed. There's a hotfix in the beta branch that supposedly deals with this issue.