Beiträge von Skiwee

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Wir begrüßen euch in der Fan-Community zu den Spielen Transport Fever und Train Fever, den Wirtschaftssimulatoren von Urban Games. Die Community steht euch kostenlos zur Verfügung damit ihr euch über das Spiel austauschen und informieren könnt. Wir pflegen hier einen freundlichen und sachlichen Umgang untereinander und unser Team steht euch in allen Fragen gerne beiseite.


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    Just putting this here if others get confonted with the same issue as I.

    SOLUTION: Model Editor not opening due to Vulkan. (for what ever reason)

    1. Install a previous build , How-to can be found here:…al:updates#older_versions (I used "buildArchive29596")
    2. Copy the file "ModelEditor.bat" and the "model_editor" folder, keep them in a backup folder.
    3. Revert the install back to the current version.
    4. Copy the file "ModelEditor.bat" and the "model_editor" folder, back to the game file.

    ps copyed the .bat file for extra measure.

    not sure it's required but might give a shaders error, in that event copy the "shaders" folder as well.…tatic/public/settings.lua

    Can you put it in the appropriate place?

    Thank you very much Yoshi! I haven't been able to play to game in some time. I did a complete reinstall trying to fix my crash problem, and then the game wouldn't rebuild a new "settings.lua" file. Only until I used your "settings.lua" did it finaly start. (had a backup somewhere but lost it, fingers crossed I didn't loose any progress on my mods)

    Edit: However I discovered I'm still having trouble opening "ModelEditor.bat" it only gives me the following (which looks the same as what I had in my "stdout.txt")

    any suggestions?

    videocard: GTX1080ti

    driver: 466.47

    I suspect it's Vulkan related.

    Hi everyone,

    So 3 days ago I finally released my KiwiRail AK Class on Steam, my end everything works fine. However users (4 so far) are commenting that there game is crashing to the desktop (either with error or without I have no idea).

    Nothing is more ...:thumbdown: ... going threw a working mod only to look for a bug, I'm not experiencing.

    I question the validity of there report and question what hardware it is there using (my computer is all ready 9 years old).

    Just asking here as I'm tempted to just throw in the towel and take it down.

    Hi Ladies & Gents,

    I have a question that's vaguely on-topic with labelList's;

    I was wondering if it's possible to have each wagon individualy numbered/lettered, eg. A, B, C, D, E, F enz. as emissive text.

    I was hoping that the Custom type would somehow be able to do this but as I understand it I still need some kind of input (like how many wagons are connected to the locomotive).

    I'm not very good at creating strings from scratch, as to why I'm calling on anyone with more experiance.

    Any disscussion on the topic is very helpful.

    Is anyone working on a tutorial for setting up fbx import enz. ?

    I'm curious about setting up animations (So I don't having to manually remake all of mine).

    I've had this idea of implementing a random texture to one of my mods sinds Train Fever. this would be fantastic to have I just haven't got the knowledge to figure it out yet. There must be a way using a .lua script, or with groupFileName I have my fingures crossed.

    So how do I rescale a model in the mdl?

    Use the tool Xanos made: Transformation Matrix
    copy/paste the code into the .mdl file.

    transf = {1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, },

    I've always been keeping an eye on NS content and would love to see it in the game, but personally I'd start from scratch as this version of the VIRM was made for 3d-printing and not Train Fever (the reason the doors are fixed and the groups where never setup which is why it pivots on it's centers/origin).
    I'ld do it my self but I know there are others that have made an attempt or try'ed. Besides that I'm rather busy with my own projects;[Blockierte Grafik:]
    this is an old screen-shot, but you get the idea (it's such a big/complex project I've been taking it slow). I've also been rather intimidated by the new .con system that I've been putting it off (not being sure where to start).


    Thank you, so I will also try to see if scale will work lol. But it seems scale mean nothing? Perhaps for smokes it's useful.

    I've used scaling with my End-of-train device to minimize the light(emitter) bleeding threw the mesh (practical application). I'm sure there are other uses for it as wel, I've just not had the need for it besides that. Also there are scripts (vehicleutil.lua) to animate rods/piston's of steam-locomotives that use it.

    p.s. Smoke uses the particle-emitter system:


    Ok. It's clear, is there any scale transform animations?

    There is using the animation type "KEYFRAME_MATRIX":

    There's also a third animation type which is "FILE_REF", which references an .ani file with time and transf data.


    OK. Are the animations applied to the whole mesh/blob?

    Yes they are and activated via events in the .mdl file and can also cascade down .grp files.

    For Blender I've looked for a exporter but all thats available is an importer (which doesn't help me here).
    I've managed to get my hands on a copy of Max but I'm so new to it, I may as well be chasing cheese in a maze. I think (not sure where I can see uvmaps) I've managed to import a mesh with both uv's, but exporting it to .ase I've had zero luck (end result only gives me 1 uv).
    I've tried .dae but the mesh gets distorted in crazy ways by the converter.

    I've had far more succes with hex-editing and almost works like a charm. I say almost because "ModelViewer" still crashes and I don't know why or whats missing. But works ingame.

    edit: I accualy found my "almost" problem was just a copy/paste mistake using map_albedo_opacity insted of map_albedo what it should be.