Beiträge von Rjoande

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    It seems that different users have different files "corrupted"?

    This morning Urban Games released a fix for this issue. It's amazing how quickly they reacted 8o far better than larger game studios...
    Thanks to the devs for this fix. In the future, I suggest them to perform some testings with random mods before updating the game, and to comunicate few hours/days before, rather than later, if something big is coming.

    I'm pretty sure u can remove Train Fever\res\config\name\it\town.lua from your list. I bet u have installed a mod from here that change the town names or its your own "spagettimod" that causes this error.

    None of them. Spaghetti Mod doesn't affect basegame files anymore, nor deal with model/confing files in the new version (uploading it right now, but was already running on my PC for the last 2-3 weeks).

    I made a patch for the files that (in my PC) seemed to be corruptet/unaccepted by the game. You can find it there: Unicode Fix: mods converted to UTF-8

    Modders are free to share/re-use these files if they want.

    @DukeaufDune, yep, that's probably because I edited the .mdl files on my PC for testing "Spaghetti Mod v2.0" - even thoug it's strange, since my wordpad saves in the same code it finds, and dozens of other files I edited for testing didn't show the issue. :|

    Except for the new UTF-8 rule, you may find worthy informations here: Making mods work with the in-game mod manager - with some patience, you may also be able to continue an old "before-DLC" savegame

    *update* anyway, re-installing the game and the mods with a mod manager like Train Fever Game Manager your mods will be automatically put in place to be used with the new system. Then, you just have to activate them form the in-game manager before loading your savegame.

    This afternoon, many of us TF gamers remained stuck from the new game update: the "UTF-8 checker" causes error-ctd if a mod file is encoded in non-utf8 code. Games seemed to work straight even before this new rule, IMO. Anyway, until TF won't release a fix, and since Steam doesn't allow to revert to a previuous build, I compiled a list of mods containing incorrect code, causing game to crash. Users may temporary disable these files or search for them and manually correct without watching everyone of the 13.754 files in the mod folder (yeah, that's the size of my folder! :thumbup: )

    Surprisedly, the following Urban Games file wasn't accepted too!!!!!

    Train Fever\res\config\name\it\town.lua

    Hope this may help. I have about 99% of the mods installed from, except repaints, so this should be a sufficiently comprehensive list. I'll update other news overnight, if any.

    In general, I would politely ask devs to INFORM users before making such important updates, like when the DLC came out, deeply changing the modding system. A wonderful update, but which caused many of us to not being able to continue our savegames.

    I'm testing a script modification that should prevent some buildings from '800 and early '900 to be demolished.
    I find ugly that, from 1925, the entire cities start to renew, while in the reality (at least in Europe), the original centre of a city keeps the ancient buildings.

    I edited some files in res/config/buildings/bud, except the smaller buildings, the parks and all the industries... let's see what happens!
    For now, it doesn't seem to work if you start a new game in 1900 or 1950, so I have to reach the 1925-1930 from 1850 to evaluate the effects of this mod.

    What does this mod do?
    Spaghetti Mod is a bundle of script files translating into Italian about 200 mods from the Tran Fever community, and it does even more! This is a large project, in which I could uniform the trains naming (for example, if the "A" mod has a Bauerhie 123, the mod "B" has a DB BR 456 and the mod "C" a BR 789 der Deutsche Bahn and so on, now they are all named DB Class 123, DB Class 456, DB Class 789
    etc.); mods names have been edited and uniformed too, for a better sorting in the in-game mod manager. Moreover, I improved some descriptions, making them richer and more interesting - yet respecting the original content. Spaghetti Mod doesn't translate repaints, nor fictional trains.

    Of course, if the content of a particular mod was included in a larger mod-pack too, I only translated the mod-pack. With the new mod system, Spaghetti Mod now desn't need to overwrite the original .mdl files, being update-friendly too!

    Moreover, in the base pack page you will find other add-ons, such as Core fixes and DLC fixes. These files edit the base game translations, in order to better fit the Spaghetti Mod's style (and corrects few translation mistakes). Finally, Mod name translates the name and description of several mods which actually don't need for a model/config tranlastion (such as train stations, script mods...) - it's just for a better sorting.

    Link to the mods:
    Base pack
    Austria, Italy and Switzerland
    Czech Republic
    Britain and New Zealand
    Finland, Norway and Sweden
    France and Spain
    China and Japan

    Why the need for a translation?
    I don't think that I'm the only non-Anglophone player who learned English from videogames. Generally, I don't blame if a game is in English, but when I buy a videogame in Italian, I want it to be in Italian at 100%, mods included. This is not because I can't understand English, but because seeing three descriptions in two or three different languages in the same window is like a punch in the eye. I know: it's a crush. But it's downloading mods for a yet good game a crush itself? [Blockierte Grafik:]

    Mod authors are free to download my scripts and put them in the original mods. Make me know when the mods are updated with the translations, so I can remove the "strings.lua" from Spaghetti Mod. Just remember to put my name as I did. Moreover, consider that in few cases I had to edit the .mdl/config .lua files too in order to allow "string.lua" to work. Please remember to use the "_( )" signs around the name and description strings, and to compile different strings for "name" and "description".

    How to install
    Copy the content of archive in the Train Fever mod directory (for Steam users, this is "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Train Fever\mods"). Overwrite if needed.
     [Blockierte Grafik:! The mod folders are set following Train Fever Game Manager procedure, so for TFMM users they might be different. Check you "mods" folder before installing. I'll make a version for TFMM in the future.

    Reinstall the original mods.