Beiträge von mdbyyc

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    Thank you guys for insights!!

    I can see why officially UG doesn't consider more flexibility for wagons, just by experiencing how much lag each action creates when I configure a station in the game. It's a nightmare, spending about 10 seconds to wait for the PC become alive after each click. I can also feel the simple "Randomize.Curtain" noticeably increases the loading time.

    Seems like Lua in TPF is extremely inefficient. don't know why.

    ...The updateFn and the sound functions are special, as the called again if something happens...

    ...runtime it's not (yet) possible to change the behaviour of an object

    Interesting, any chance to have undateFn work in a wagon mdl? or perhaps in a multiple_unit lua?

    I don't need to change the behavior of an existing object in the scenery, I want to call different objects upon creating a instance of something. i.e, make a series of mdls, each of them contains different window curtain looking, multiple_unit lua calls different mdls each time just like like how a station is built each time. Or if mdl can do that, then just call different msh each time which makes the whole thing much easier to do. Point out please if I have the wrong logic.

    As far as I know,

    is the current state of knowledge.

    Right, I was expecting this result; just the code is easy to write so I still tired to make it.

    I am also thinking about how people make customized train stations mods. Looks like they allow users to decide some parameters though the UI and apply only to one instance of the train station each time it gets built. Still trying to understand the logic; I don't know can the same method be used for making wagons?

    Hello folks!

    I am a newbie programmer, just learned some Python and then the basics of Lua.

    I have been thinking for a while about having random elements in my train carriage mod for which I am currently making internal model. The idea is to randomize the id value in children in a mdl or grp file in order to call different mesh that displays different texture. For example, mesh 0 to 9 that contains different number, and when I randomly call different mesh for different car, each carriage gets a different registration number written on the body, so that I can avoid a sense of repetition.

    I tested my thought with the curtain, for which I made 8 mesh files that call different curtain textures; and put "id = Randomize.Curtain("25T_Large_Window_Curtain")," in the children list.

    The problem is I do get curtain looking randomized each time I load the game, but inside the same scenery, all carriages have the same order of curtain looking, like in the screenshots.

    I guess the game only loads the parameters once so the script is only executed once. Seems it will make my idea impossible to realize.

    I would like to seek for idea what might be other ways to realize it? Does anyone have some insights? Thanks.

    There is a problem with the material order. PHYS_TRANSPARENT is rendered before other materials and Meshes behind objects are not rendered, if there is already some rendered thing in front of it (even if that's transparent glass like in your case).

    Try to use a material that is rendered later for the outer part of your coaches and a material that is rendered earlier for the inner part.

    Great! Thank you for your input. Would you give me a hint what controls the material rendering order? Do you mean I should use another material type? i.e. to avoid PHYS_TRANSPARENT? and how is the rendering order arranged?

    Hello Folks,

    I am now making internal model of my train carriages, therefor I reworked the window, added Alpha channel in Albedo map and Green channel in MGA map. The material type is currently "PHYS_TRANSPARENT" (since I haven't started working on Normal map). Surprisingly, some other objects that behind the semi-transparent glass also disappear, e.g. the little inside part of the window frame that is behind the glass, and the locomotive on the other track. I am afraid my internal model will not be correctly displayed if always some random objects get hided.

    I am not sure if it is a graphical bug or I handled texture incorrectly. Wondering if anybody knows why and perhaps a way to avoid it. Please help!

    Thank you.

    Oh! that's too bad...
    So do you still remember how you got the original model to 3dsMax? Maybe there is a program can transfer .msh to .obj? If I can have the original model, will be no problem anymore.
    However, thank you for the reply!

    Thankyou very much, I have found your program - Train Fever Converter. That's great! I have all data what I need. :thumbup:

    Hi!, @BR146 How you got the original model?
    I want make a chinese power pole mod, and have made a pole model

    But I don't know what's the height of the catenary lines. Could you please tell me those numerals or share with me the original model in .max format if you can? >> [email protected]