Beiträge von Nicky21

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Wir begrüßen euch in der Fan-Community zu den Spielen Transport Fever und Train Fever, den Wirtschaftssimulatoren von Urban Games. Die Community steht euch kostenlos zur Verfügung damit ihr euch über das Spiel austauschen und informieren könnt. Wir pflegen hier einen freundlichen und sachlichen Umgang untereinander und unser Team steht euch in allen Fragen gerne beiseite.


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    The issue was the the ATT balanced freight wagons were much heavier than the modded wagons thus making it logical to use the modded wagons instead of the ATT ones. Not to mention the speed cap.

    I also have an idea for the missing cargo. If a wagon can tranport coal add the posibility to transport coke as well. Same for iron ore and iron pig, Goods -> plastic, Oil -> color, biofuel. I know that the cattle, grain and steel can't be helped, but it woudl still be a major improvement...

    I believe a "CASE" should be used here. Something like:

    IF data.metadata.transportVehicle.capacities[key].type is "COAL" then multiply weight by 2
    IF data.metadata.transportVehicle.capacities[key].type is "IRON" then multiply weight by 4
    IF data.metadata.transportVehicle.capacities[key].type is "CATTLE" then multiply weight by 2


    If the type you specify is not here, there should be no error thrown because you make no modificaton.

    The above function is modified my be from Gwinda'a cost mod. Lines 12 to 20 were added by me. What it does it verifies if a vehiche has a tranport capacity and if it doesm it divides that by 4.

    What i'm trying to say is that the script I proposed can be dome by someone who knows lua good enough. Not me. I'm still surprised the script above works......

    I think the variable you need for this is data.metadata.transportVehicle.capacities[key].type , and that has to be different than "PASSENGERS". If it is, then double the data.metadata.weight .

    As is said, i dont master lua enough to try this, but maybe someone here has a better handle on the language.

    Hey Kiwi, great mod. One question: can you do a script that doubles or triples the weight of all the other (modded) vehicles in the game ? It would be awesome to have the wagons that we download from this site standardized as well.

    Hi guys. I'm thinking of a mod based on Kiwi's ATT when you place using the new asset tool your own end industry. In this case beeing some form of market (either a mini market or a big mall). You would transport to the mini market just food and lumber and it would generate goods but the mall would require a lot of other resources like, sttel, autos, furniture, food, autos

    Anyway, for this we need some buildings:
    - Small market ( would require 2 goods (food, and lumber)
    - Supermarket (requires food, lumber, and tools)
    - En-gros Depot (requires much food, tools, furniture, steel)
    - Mega-Malls (requires all the intermediary resources on the map)

    Can somebody care enough to create the models for the use in game ? I found a nice IKEA depot that can be converted easily to the mega mall, but the rest is kinda missing....

    I just had an idea on how to mod in timetables. This is achievable in the cruurent build.

    I noticed that the loading time in trains differ depending on wich wagons I would use. For instance the "ggths Broomberg" takes longer to load than the "HBI". That is because the Broomeberg has some animations (doors sliding). The train still loads goods that arrive in the meantime until it leaves the station.

    That means we could mod in dummy waggons that have an animation that lasts, 30, 60, 100 seconds. You can add those to a train that woudl slow down the loading of that train by a number of seconds. So you could make your coal train let's say wait in the station for 3 minutes, thus achieving the spacing between this and the next train.

    This, obviously would not be that usefull on passenger lines with multiple stops, but only on trains with 2 or 3 stops.

    What do you guys think ?

    Can somebody mod the industries to be bigger on the map ? Like way bigger....

    It's breaking my immersion when i see the train station 5 times bigger than the refinery. In reality, the station, even a 5 line station s just a small portion of an industry.

    Suggestion: can you make a script that changes the capacity types of the wagons in game like this: all the wagons that could carry oil, can now also carry colour. all the wagons that can carry goods can also carry plastics... etc ?

    it wuld be extremely usefull when using a lot of modded vehicles...