Beiträge von francelongo_1960

Willkommen in der Transport Fever Community

Wir begrüßen euch in der Fan-Community zu den Spielen Transport Fever und Train Fever, den Wirtschaftssimulatoren von Urban Games. Die Community steht euch kostenlos zur Verfügung damit ihr euch über das Spiel austauschen und informieren könnt. Wir pflegen hier einen freundlichen und sachlichen Umgang untereinander und unser Team steht euch in allen Fragen gerne beiseite.


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Das Team der Transport-Fever Community


    I'm no expert with materials, but are the paths of the texture files correct?

    I attach a material file of one of my mods, you can try to use this, just change the name and the paths and see if it makes a difference.

    I suppose path is correct cause other texture files works. Thank for your material file. Now I tray it.

    Good morning to dear enthusiasts. I am Francesco Longo (the one who is preparing the ferry "Iginia"). I'm now working on textures, particularly aging, with dirt and wrinkles. Could any of you tell me why the ship looks blue and the wrinkle looks blue too? Below I transmit to you the contents of the material file which, probably contains the error to correct:

    From my experience for some changes it is needed to buy/replace the vehicle again in the depot to see all changes when the vehicle was already active in the savegame (before the changes).

    Unfortunately it can happen that from the deposit, after the purchase, still comes out an old version of the model!

    Delete the Texture Cache

    But I wanted to know from Loken how to erase the cache texture? This could be the right solution of the problem.

    Dear modders, do you happen to try your mods being made between one version and another that the game presents the previous version, as if it had stored it and proposes it to you instead of showing you the latest version that you have just uploaded? Especially the old textures tend to persist, do you know a way to "convince" TF2 to present the latest version and not the previous ones? Thank you very much in advance. Francesco.

    Good morning to all fans. I'm the one who did the beta version of the Iginia ferry (available here in this forum). After releasing the final version (but I would like to begin and prepare for that) I wish to create a "ferry port" suitable for it that has at least the following characteristics (to make the ferry MOD "Iginia" similar to the service carried out at the Strait of Messina by the real ships):

    1) The ship lands at the bow port and starts again (at least for a few moments before reversing the direction) to reverse;

    2) The port is therefore adequate in shape to accommodate the forward ship and on the opposite side there is one (or more) railway connection(s);

    3) From the rail connection(s) a train may arrive;

    4) This train in the absence of the ferry must wait for its arrival;

    5) If the ferry is present, the train will be boarded in the ferry;

    6) Embarkation must take place at least from the point of view of storing the elements constituting the train taken in their correct order storing those inside string varibles owned by the ship itself;

    7) The train could also be actually displayed inside the ferry (divided into 4 pieces, corresponding to the tracks of the ferry);

    "8") When the ferry arrives at the same port on the opposite side of the sea, the newly transported train must be reassembled and restarted prosecuting its way;

    9) If there was a train waiting after the previous train was unloaded this waiting train must in turn be loaded onto the ship to be brought back and so on (of course in port present on the opposite shore must be -possibly- the same MOD as the "ferry port", so that pairs of ferry ports can be connected to each other via normal "lines", example city-1 / ferry port-1 / ferry port-2 / city-2);

    I would be very grateful if any of you could give me some "starting" info to begin this realization. Regards. Francesco.

    Hallo an alle.

    Ich habe es bereits geschafft, die GOG-Verion auf einer externen Festplatte zu installieren, um Speicherplatz im Laptop zu vermeiden, aber alle Benutzerdateien sind immer noch in C:/ geschrieben mit starker Speichernutzung, wenn Sie alle MODs laden möchten, die in der Vergangenheit gesammelt und in der Steam-Installation gespeichert wurden.

    Ich wollte fragen, ob jemand weiß, wie man den Benutzerordnerbaum von Datenträger c: an einen anderen Speicherort, z. B. eine externe Festplatte, verschiebt.

    this is material file for wimdows separate mesh:


    function data()

    return {

    order = 0,

    params = {

    albedo_scale = {

    albedoScale = { 1, 1, 1, },


    fade_out_range = {

    fadeOutEndDist = 20000,

    fadeOutStartDist = 10000,


    map_albedo = {

    fileName = "models/vehicle/plane/Scheibe.tga",

    type = "TWOD",

    wrapS = "REPEAT",

    wrapT = "REPEAT",


    map_metal_gloss_ao = {

    fileName = "models/vehicle/plane/Scheibe.tga",

    type = "TWOD",

    wrapS = "REPEAT",

    wrapT = "REPEAT",


    polygon_offset = {

    factor = 0,

    forceDepthWrite = false,

    units = 0,


    two_sided = {

    flipNormal = true,

    twoSided = false,



    type = "PHYS_TRANSPARENT",




    (I used the same Scheibe.tga for both textures (I think that this is no heavy problem)