Beiträge von Memohed Elojete

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    rico made a recent update to the mod, i was thinking that was the issue because i updated it and the game stopped working, it was instead the outdated commonapi, i reinstalled the mod anyways, the game ran flawlessly (its still in theory a convertion from tpf1 and he recommends not using any converted mods from the tpf1 industry dlc mod to avoid issues, i run around 1700 mods and have no issues with the latest commonapi 🤝)

    sorry eis_os for bothering, but this thing you just said about ug tinkering with the code is driving me nuts, just realized that since that the "major update" i have only updated/replaced common api and suddenly all of my airports roads are crooked lol, i have literally not changed anything, and somehow ug managed to mess with it, i though maybe steam workshop mods messed with it? since they auto update, validated all the mods and did a vanilla save, nope, seems to be made to the core files of taxiways and runways 🤦‍♂️
    fresh install perhaps? i really have no clue how this happened, this update has brought more issues than fixes/improvements to the game

    hey so, i first had conflicts with the tpf1 roundhouse port

    took me a while to realize, did the momentary fix of renaming the mod.lua translate but it seems that the mod Advanced Statistics seems to have some sort of conflict with the current beta build of commonapi2 took me even more time to believe that was the issue, might be an issue with the api currently only, new update changes or a combination of both, here im dropping my last crash dumps so you can check them out, reloading a save is tedious with 1300 mods 😂😂

    yes, im using the latest api build (202205010dev)

    Hi there Memohed Elojete

    Can you narrow down a specific DRG car that is causing the crash? There are, as far as I know, about 20 different DRG cars in the set.

    But what makes me wonder is the complete desktop freeze. Do you have to kill Windows after that, or just kill the game in the task manager, or do nothing at all?

    so its this selection of DRG carts specifically

    [Blockierte Grafik:]

    and about the freezing, it literally freezes the desktop, no imput is detected and you have to spam escape, after a span of 5s-30s the game .exe is shut off and everything else is still open, desktop doesnt need a restart or boot up, and i believe its gpu bound certainly because also also all media being played either a video/stream/sound is also frozen during this 5s-30s time and the media player has to be restart eg refresh the tab

    hey so its me, the guy with the issue of the verbandsbauart carts, today i tried doing more testing

    upon loading my save i went straight up to buy a train with a lot of dr and db carts and proceeded to spawn it, everything worked fine, then i tried adding DRG carts, this time once again one by one, was able to add all of the DRG carts once, was surprised, tried adding more of them but all at once (around 200m of carts increase at once as someone usually does when buying a train) with the ones that i already managed to put on the train, the game crashed

    loaded again, did the same thing with the dr and db carts, bought many at once, game was fine, did the same wiuth drg, game crashed

    tird and last time, tried doing the same, this time it worked! i was suspicious, added a couple of carts more and then bingo, game crashed

    the crashes seems to be gpu related, whole desktop freezes, game closes and no crash dump is generated, it it only has happened to me with the drg carts, which as you say, its very weird, pausing and time speed seem to have no effect on it


    • stdout.txt

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