Beiträge von Bhaal

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Wir begrüßen euch in der Fan-Community zu den Spielen Transport Fever und Train Fever, den Wirtschaftssimulatoren von Urban Games. Die Community steht euch kostenlos zur Verfügung damit ihr euch über das Spiel austauschen und informieren könnt. Wir pflegen hier einen freundlichen und sachlichen Umgang untereinander und unser Team steht euch in allen Fragen gerne beiseite.


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    Awesome, the 'size' option needed some tweaking and Cut changed to scale. Was just a matter of tweaking it until it scales into the right area when the name gets longer. :D

    Another question, is it possible to add new driver models/textures? I want to replace 'casual steve' style crew with something more... appropriate, for the more modern locos.

    Cheers all.

    Greetings all,

    Firstly, I'd like to thank all of you for your endless help, it's much appreciated! :)

    Next, which line of this code makes the damn thing shorter, it's eluding my 2am brain at the moment. :/


    type = "LINE_NAME",

    transf = {

    0, 1, 0, 0,

    0, 0, 1, 0,

    1, 0, 0, 0,

    8.767, -1.0, 2.21, 1,


    size = { 2, 0.13 },

    color = {255 / 255, 255 / 255, 255 /255},

    fitting = "CUT",

    alignment = "CENTER",

    renderMode = "STD",

    childId = "RootNode",


    It's spilling off the end in a way that's really rather bugging me. But the obvious is just slipping my mind right now.


    Interesting, I'll have a fiddle with it when I get the chance :D The importer I use to convert things from Blender OBJ into blob mesh files lets me change the orientation of it if I need too so it was rotated 90 degrees before it was converted from OBJ into blob. I should probably fix it in Blender to be honest. xD

    Thank you so much for having a look at it! :)

    Much appreciated. :)

    haha thank you, I've tried to keep it in the 'looks nice but isn't too heavy' range. I'm still going to make a lod level for it that drops all the underframe handbrake assembly and the little chains. :)

    The WIP staging area stuff is here:…3-zG2z_BIeVp0tAAaC4a?dl=0

    The codings still a bit messy and needs some work and its a way from finished yet but it is operable.

    Thank you, all, for your help. As always. :)

    Why thank you! :) I've been working on creating better textures, it's a bit of a weak spot for me. I'm not an amazing artist haha

    Yes. It works just fine on both sides but not the ends. it appears to have only the one material. Checked the Blender and re-exported and converted it, replaced the old blob and it still wont show on the ends. :/

    Has me stumped.

    Fairly happy with how it came out so far, thank you! :)

    What I can't figure out, is why it doesn't work on the ends? It's mapped properly onto the right area, shows up fine in Substance Painter but not in game or the model viewer.

    The end in model viewer and the normal map overlaid on the textures to make sure they line up, which they do. It works fine on the sides, just not the ends. Textures display fine. Weirded me out.

    Will do! Thank you all for being so willing to help. :)

    Alright then, I'm working on a CLC louvered wagon at the moment, I want to create the louvered look using normal maps rather than actually modelling them. What's your preferred technique here? I've been fiddling with substance painter but it doesn't have anything quite right for the job. I could draw them in Paintshop and use crazybump on them I suppose. I'm just not quite sure how to approach this to get a decent look.

    (My image, took it a few days ago at the museum for referencing.)

    Another simple issue,

    What could be causing rapid aging effects? My new pet project goes from brand new to rusted hulk faster than my Ford Fiesta did.

    I assume I've fiddled with something somewhere and forgotten to fix it. :/

    Cheers all :)


    Next in my endless series of questions: Updating your published mods!

    Am I right in assuming it's as easy as updating the files in the staging area, changing what I want to then hitting the publish button in Tpf2 and adding an update note? Or do I have this completely wrong? :O

    I don't want to break anyone's anything but I have some things I'd like to change in future. Including updates to the meshs, for instance scaling the windows on the RS-1 down a smidge. ( since I've learned a LOT about Blender since then! ) :D

    Cheers all!

    Thanks as always. :)

    Greetings all!

    Learning textures now, my modelling and coding have improved enough to get by, largely thanks to you guys and your amazing support! So thank you for that! :)

    What causes this diagonal lines on corners? Do I need to get better at unwrapping with blender? Is it a poor AO or the like?

    Cheers all :)

    For all the handle bars, 6 corners and smoothing would have had the same result. With significantly less tris. ;-) You made the hoses with fewer corners, why not the handlebars too? Just don't forget to mark the Tris as "smooth"

    Its funny you should mention that, the underframe and railings were the first objects I've ever modelled in Blender (Or anything else for that matter) and the hoses were literally the last thing I did. I'd gotten a bit better by then, I really should go back and streamline a lot of the railings and grab irons to be honest, they're a bit over done. :D

    Ahhh that worked like a charm.

    Thank you so much, all of you. :) Couldn't ask for a better community to learn in! Thank you for putting up with my noob questions.

    I'm bound to have some more before too long! ;)

    In the interest of keeping all my noob questions in one spot, I'll add to this thread rather than create more. :)

    Can anyone give me a quick run down on doing headlights and tail lights, either with or without a new mesh? The modding wiki has some basic outlines but not really enough info for a newbie with very basic code understanding.

    Once I can get the lighting figured out, I'm about done. :)


    Edit: DH was correct. Weirdly, if I rolled back to my backup version and ran the same remove doubles tool it found 1 and deleted it, resolving the issue.

    I'm not sure why it wouldn't do it on the up to date version, but problem solved. Thank you muchly! :)

    That was my initial thought as well, on closer inspection it seems to be okay, unless I'm missing something. Clean up didn't catch anything either. This ones got me stumped. It's my first texture set so I haven't run into any of these issues before.