Beiträge von OurGreatReader

Willkommen in der Transport Fever Community

Wir begrüßen euch in der Fan-Community zu den Spielen Transport Fever und Train Fever, den Wirtschaftssimulatoren von Urban Games. Die Community steht euch kostenlos zur Verfügung damit ihr euch über das Spiel austauschen und informieren könnt. Wir pflegen hier einen freundlichen und sachlichen Umgang untereinander und unser Team steht euch in allen Fragen gerne beiseite.


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Wir wünschen euch viel Spaß und hoffen auf rege Beteiligung.

Das Team der Transport-Fever Community

    Unknown Exception


    __CRASHDB_RENDERER__ Vulkan|AMD|AMD Radeon R9 200 / HD 7900 Series|1.2.170 2.0.179|1.2.170|2.0.179|

    Memory types:

    * 0 { DeviceLocal }: heap #0

    * 1 { HostVisible | HostCoherent }: heap #1

    * 2 { DeviceLocal | HostVisible | HostCoherent }: heap #2

    * 3 { HostVisible | HostCoherent | HostCached }: heap #1

    Memory heaps:

    * 0 { DeviceLocal | MultiInstance } 2816 MB

    * 1 {} 7909 MB

    * 2 { DeviceLocal | MultiInstance } 256 MB


    Error message: Out of video memory: ensure that you have enough video RAM and system RAM available. Consider lowering the texture quality.

    Requested layers:

    - VK_LAYER_KHRONOS_validation (Vulkan Runtime Libraries und SDK -> VulkanMemoryAllocator.h anvinken <-*benötigt*)

    Sorry i do not use ChatGPT i translate everything myself and i look it up myself.

    Do not use translators..... (sehr slechte ubersetzung oder vertalung)


    "Mingw-w64 is an advancement of the original project, created to support the GCC compiler on Windows systems. It has forked it in 2007 in order to provide support for 64 bits and new APIs. It has since then gained widespread use and distribution



    Memory barriers are designed to prevent reads and writes from being reordered by the compiler and being seen out of order on multi-core CPUs.

    This function is available since SDL 2.0.6.

    I dont quite understand your message...

    I had to compress the screenshots to jpg because only files <1MB are allowed here, unfortunately.

    The gpu timings are flickering very much and I know the FPS value there is not in line with the (correct) value of the steam overlay FPS. In the screenshots it is also lower than in the table because the debug windows have impact on the FPS.

    This is regarding compression of datafiles and texture formats that are enhanced.

    They are missing essential systemfiles for third party projects to work with the same Coder's paradigm. One of them is a port for Libjpeg. Some systems also require "MingW64" compiler to be added or included with LLVM to function properly. (Getting unstable results due to binary 'blob' in crosscompilation). This is a compiler error because at crosscompilation these will just get 'skipped over' and are not properly flagged as a dependency but are included in the License file. There on you will be able to make a diagram of dependencies.

    So they require you to manually include the software by adding it to the root of the package.

    They either went missing or did not get included while distributing the package but they do exist on the developers distro. I had this aswell but i no longer possess pre- and afterwards. Where the timing of the Terrain texture's and "Model Opaque" where beyond 22000ms after i included xxHsum and LZ4 *I still do not recommend compiling on the newer systems without having proper backups due to a formatting error so get precompiled binaries and libraries and include them in TF2 root" resolves any "Results non-available" except for 'one missing file'. This one i could not guess exactly.

    This greatly improved my gameplay and i am able to game on Megolamania with my recently cross-fired AMD R9 200 (Club 3D RoyalAce 9790. I saw great 'rendering' improvement in the distance but it is by not enough for the game. Most game still do not get up to that amount of VRAM unless it is a leak. The SDL SDK is designed for applications at 8 gigabyte RAM and 1024MB VRAM.

    Considering due to grains and the texture format of the 'terrain' it should not be '4096MB' for all the groundtexture's at maximum. Even with a High-DPI display this is not possible. This is invisible towards the human eye.
    Some of these files might be skipped on by other parties such as the clouds distributing and or might be skipped on by other 'virus protection'. I do not know this.

    And there is no determining what if because certainly this package has been made on a platform for "Multiplatform" but was originally created for another platform so expect some trouble conversing binary executable's. They are uninterpretable towards each other like germans and dutch but they speak the same language. So stack 0x8fe becomes ?¿¿ /? but is a link towards a .so file.

    So this generates a typical "Whitespace" error everytime it is 'missing something' it does not recognise. You want to check that.

    Ich hab meherere aufname nur keine "windowmessage"...

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    Am end.

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    Du mist compression. Dieses sein sogenannte "Dependencies" und sind 'standard' packetten bei ein installation von o.a Linux-systemen und wirden nicht erkennt durch andere filesystems. Das is ein fehler bei crosscompiling das missen von dieses componenten wirdet binary 'flurb'. Dieses sind allen wirklich 'nicht benotigt' und werden door die compiler 'geskipt'

    Du kunt dieses manuell zufugen..

    Ab ein na hab erfahr ich kein last von 'stots' und 'lag' mehr ich die Terrain kwalität abhoch.

    Hrrr... этот 


    __CRASHDB_RENDERER__ Vulkan|AMD|AMD Radeon R9 200 / HD 7900 Series|1.2.170 2.0.179|1.2.170|2.0.179|

    __CRASHDB_RENDERER__ OpenGL|ATI Technologies Inc.|AMD Radeon R9 200 / HD 7900 Series|3.2.14831 Core Profile/Debug Context 21.5.2 27.20.20903.8001|||4.60

    I have a bit trouble with german because i am dutch. Translating this requires you to apply german and speak frequently.
    So i chose to use english in this case where translating this to deutsch is 'annoying' and because i am dutch there is a slight conflict with our dictionary (use the same word different meaning)

    The Sun needs to be fixed and needs an inclination.

    You need to do a bracket check and add a reference check to all the third parties you are using to compile the software because some parts are missing and this leads to "Results not available" in the GPU & Simulation Workload statistics window.


    Ich habe ein bisschen Probleme mit Deutsch, weil ich Holländer bin. Um dies zu übersetzen, müssen Sie Deutsch anwenden und häufig sprechen.

    Also habe ich mich in diesem Fall für Englisch entschieden, da das Übersetzen ins Deutsche "nervig" ist und weil ich Niederländer bin, gibt es einen leichten Konflikt mit unserem Wörterbuch (verwenden Sie dasselbe Wort mit unterschiedlicher Bedeutung).

    Die Sonne muss fixiert werden und braucht eine Neigung.

    Sie müssen eine Klammerprüfung durchführen und allen Drittanbietern, die Sie zum Kompilieren der Software verwenden, eine Referenzprüfung hinzufügen, da einige Teile fehlen und dies zu „Ergebnisse nicht verfügbar“ im Statistikfenster „GPU & Simulation Workload“ führt.

    Die Sonne musst gestabilisiert werden.

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    Der SIGABRT Fehler tritt auf wenn die Grafikkarte einen Timeout hat oder anscheinend auch wenn sie OOM ist. Bei mir passiert das jedes mal wenn ich Substance Painter am laufen habe und dann noch TPF2 starte.

    Hmm. Ich habe noch ein grafisch karte zugefügt von dasselbe type.

    Zwei segmenten VRAM sind nicht mehr zutrittbar..

    * VRAM 2377/2377 --- Mist 699 Mb Memory.

    Ich hat pre-beta ein BSOD wenn sie auf OpenGL das spiel startte, verhangung von meine computer.

    Sonderbare fehler.

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    I changed my environment to Dark_blue.lua.

    I disabled rayleigh.
    I changed the brightness to match my screen and the rotation of the sun in an angle that is preferable for the position of the cockpit viewport.

    It is desirable to urge the Developers of the game to 'stabilize' the environment and its lightsources because they are spiralling around and it takes a lot of VRAM and GPU power to correct that. The Sun is moving along with the cockpit in the viewport and that creates nasty artefacts. It should be 'fixed' in a position and later through lua adjusted for cycle's and stuff.

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    An Internal Error was generated while building a road and a railroad-crossing on a brick road (in 1850)

    Message in Stdout.txt

    urban_games/train_fever/src/Game/collision_shape_lib.cpp:827: struct Box3 __cdecl collision_util::CalcBoundingBox(const struct ModelData *,const struct ecs::component::ModelInstanceList &): Assertion `result.bounds[0].x <= result.bounds[1].x' failed.

    Exception type: Fatal error


    Assertion Failure: Assertion `result.bounds[0].x <= result.bounds[1].x' failed.

    In file: urban_games/train_fever/src/Game/collision_shape_lib.cpp:827

    In function: struct Box3 __cdecl collision_util::CalcBoundingBox(const struct ModelData *,const struct ecs::component::ModelInstanceList &)

    Calling thread crashtrace handlers

    thread: 10608


    thread: 11068


    All thread handlers called

    An error just occurred.

    # No Crash Savegame was made.


    The Lightsource must be adjusted to the World rather than the Viewport or Camera and Cockpit it is causing a big "Jam" and eventually causing some effects that make-seem a "moire-effect". This is caused by a wrong angle of the lightsource and also occurs in the "Default.lua" environment. Here is a short video with 'modded' tracks.

    Here is a recording of the Moire effect by placing adjacent 8 or more tracks.

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    I experience 'many' visual glitches including moving shadows as seen in this thumbnail and the attachements


    As you can see in the screenshots attached the angle of the shadow is inclinating in the direction of the sun it is moving along with the viewport causing 'strange results' such as waves in the shadows. Suggesting the lightsource is not stable.

    This is fixed by setting the Lightsource in the right angle and another axis of tilt should be added and for modification perhaps the suggestion would be extra decimals (for better moving atmosphere's).

    After the Adjustment in the Debug Tools Environment section and adjusting the brightness i managed to restore my depth vision and 'glitching' and i managed upon till today (Due to Out of Memory issue because of a replaced Vcard) to make very big railroads with really nice lightning effects.

    Here is are some video's i made of the result. I hope you can do something with it.

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    There is a 'Typo' in tex_load_cpp that has been recreated during observation. The specific error occured when i was taking a screenshot. At the second screenshot the amount of error message's doubled. So i capped it again.

    The first screenshot appear to give 6 error messages the second screenshot went double on that.


    Er ist ein typo in tex_load.cpp.

    Dem ersten screenshots gibt es mich 6 error message's und der zweite mahl 12 errorsmessages.

    Der clipping (lag)_ is Schreklich



    ..\..\src\Lib\renderer\opengl\tex_load.cpp:79: GL error 0x502

