Beiträge von Its_3890

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    It stops suddenly on "Emp Gleisfilter aktiv"

    Did you Stop it or was it the game that stopped the Loading?

    If you mean the "stdout.txt" of the google drive, no, its just it has a limit, but i can tell you what does it say at the end of the file. Also, I don't think so, I know the game froze and All my System froze for a few seconds and then the game crashed.

    Hi everyone,

    I'm experiencing crashes in Transport Fever 2 when loading a save game. These crashes consistently occur at around 3-7% during the loading process.

    Here's what I know:

    • I have over 900 mods installed.
    • The issue wasn't present previously.
    • Other maps with fewer mods load without problems.
    • I suspect a specific mod might be causing the crash, but I can't pinpoint it from the files.

    Troubleshooting Steps Taken:

    • Verified game files through Steam.
    • Reinstalled Transport Fever 2 completely.
    • Increased virtual memory (page file) size to 32GB.
    • Lowered graphics settings in-game.
    • Also sometimes my PC memory reaches the 70-85% Of Usage and Makes my whole system laggy.

    Despite these attempts, the crashes persist.

    I'm hoping someone can help me identify the problematic mod or suggest other solutions.

    I attached the "stdout.txt" In a .7z file (Google Drive Link), since the log file is quite long... (sorry lol))" and a Screenshot below:

    Google Drive Link "Here"

    If any more Information is needed, please let me know.

    Edit: I've attached another stdout.txt file, this one is shorter and might be easier. just this one the game crashed and didn't pop any kind of errors.

    Weiß jemand, wie ich ein Skript für ein Modell erstellen kann, das ich mache? Das heißt, es so zu skripten, dass es funktioniert und im Game Store (Einzahlungen) erscheint? Ich habe es geschafft, die Drehgestelle und dergleichen zu skripten, aber als ich es ausprobiert habe, erscheint es nicht im Laden. Weiß jemand warum?
    Vielen dank

    (Sorry for my German)