tutorial convert Train Simulator trains to Transport Fever?

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  • I don't think it is that easy to convert a Train Simulator Train to TPF.
    I don't have Train Simulator so I don't know how the File Structure of a TS mod looks like.
    What I am certain, is that you will have to change to File Structure to meet the Standarts for TPF and you will have to convert the Textur Files into the correct formad (.dds)
    Also I do not know if TS uses .mdl files if yes, you will have to change these a little to be matching the TPF Standarts. If not, you will have to convert the current file or create a new .mdl file.
    There also must be some other things that you will have to change / convert but I do not know which ones since I don't own TS.

    Eisenbahnfan und Fotograf.

  • The only ting, that you can use from the TS would be the msh from the loco, but this must you convert...

    So its nearly impossible to use this models from the TS. A big problem too is, that most of the models, mshs and scripts are copyright-protected, because about 90% of the content for this game is payware...

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  • which train sim do you mean?

    MSTS (e.g.) has a lot of freeware content downloadable from the web. But I think there are serious problems for converting:

    -) other file structure / other file types
    -) too detailed meshes (polygon blast?)
    -) they work completely different
    -) they 're not yours (copyright issues?)

    Conclusion is... you have models that you have to change almost completely. So I think, it's better to rmake a new one just for Transportfever (would be the same work I think)

    MfG, die Licaon
