vehicleSet definition?

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  • This does not work if the mod is subscribed to steam or is in the TPF (game) mod folder.

    To make this work, you (the user) have to copy the mod into the staging_area or into the mod folder of userdata.

    Nando ist dein Steam kaputt :D ?

  • Thank you Nando.
    So that would be in .\res\models\models\model\vehicle\bus\asia for example.

    What about vehicles in the main folder, .\res\models\model\vehicle\bus for example?

    I do see some that appears in both Asian and European sets, the man_sl_192.mdl for example.

    Very good to know MaikC!
    So if I want a mod to appear only in Asian set, I have to create a folder in .\Local\mods,
    that is .\Local\mods\res\models\models\model\vehicle\bus\asia for example?

    By the way, is it a smart way to have a selection of vehicle made available in a set, instead of copying them manually?

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Claude ()

  • in .\Transport Fever 2\res\config :

    So I guess that the list can be altered without moving stuffs around then (unlike what this game is all about! ;) ).

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Claude ()
