Bridge pillar snapping for non standard track width

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  • I'm testing to make a new type of narrow bridge. The track is narrower than standard and I have with success got it to snap when building the second track along the first as long as it is built on the ground.

    The issue is to get the second bridge to snap to the first. Pillars and railing are not snapping. They are build as two separate bridges though the second track is snapping to the first. I have spent a lot of hours to find a solution, but this will not work for me. Is there a common trick that I have to have in my mind when trying?

    Some will probably send me a comment on the strange height and curve setting for the track. I can understand that, so instead of getting focused on that I write, I know it is a bit strange...

    the t.shapeWidth + t.shapeStep = 1.25m and that is the distance I have between centers of the tracks. I have built the pillar and railing to the same width, but it doesn't matter what width I build as it will not snap.

    In the WIKI there are documented some parameters that I have also played with, but no success (pillarWidth, railingWidth). WIKI also contains information about t.trackDistance that warns of having distances other than 5m, but it doesn't say that there is a risk of problems when building bridges. The ballast and catenary gantry are working in my mod.

    Zitat von WIKI Tracks /Street

    Track configuration

    It is possible to drag parallel with this distance from an existing track.

        trackDistance = 5.0   -- [m] distance between track centers

    Be aware that a trackDistance other than 5 meters might result in problems with the ballast track bed and catenary pole gantry generation.

    track.lua snippet

    bridge.lua snippet

        carriers = {"ROAD","RAIL"},
        speedLimit = 360.0 / 3.6,
        pillarLen = 1, 
        pillarMinDist = 6.0,
        pillarMaxDist = 100.0,
        pillarTargetDist = 10.0, 
        cost = 360.0,