How to force high resolution textures on specific vehicles using low texture setting globally?

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  • Hi!

    Is it possible to force high resolution textures on specific vehicles, while using low texture setting globally?

    I am asking this, because the next setting for global textures is high, and that causes crash eventually for my gameplay due to lack of video memory.

    It would be good to set only some train textures to high, because my memory would be enough for that, unless it is set globally. Train paintings look so ugly on low setting.

    If it is possible, how could I manage to do so? What parameters should I set to what, in the individual mods folder?

    Thanks so much!

  • This *might* be feasible via a mod. If You duplicate the games texture directory into the mod directory and reduce all the non-train textures to a lower resolution (not changing their names of course!) in there, the game should give the modded directory priority over its vanilla files and load the low-res files even with the texture settings at high.

  • This *might* be feasible via a mod. If You duplicate the games texture directory into the mod directory and reduce all the non-train textures to a lower resolution (not changing their names of course!) in there, the game should give the modded directory priority over its vanilla files and load the low-res files even with the texture settings at high.

    Hmm, that sounds more complex than I thought, would probably take plenty of space.

    I thought about train mods only, not vanilla vehicles, however it seems they all might use some other textures.

    Thank you for your idea anyway.
