Spiel stürzt beim laden eines Spielstandes ab

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  • Hallo,
    Seit mehreren Tage stürzt das Spiel ab, wenn ich ein neuen Spielstand lade. Vielleicht kann mir ja jemand helfen.
    Wenn es hilft, hier auch die stdout.

    Schonmal danke im voraus :thumbsup: .


    • stdout.txt

      (67,12 kB, 373 Mal heruntergeladen, zuletzt: )
  • Can you try to uninstall/deactivate this "834920235" mod from steam. (looks like) I got that same error earlier today, after ditching that connect-airport-road-mod, everything was oke again.

    I don't discuss politics, football or money.

    2 Mal editiert, zuletzt von Priester () aus folgendem Grund: clarification

  • Can you try to uninstall/deactivate this "834920235" mod from steam. (looks like) I got that same error earlier today, after ditching that connect-airport-road-mod, everything was oke again.

    Maybe I've the same Problem, but I cannot disable the mod since I used it.

    Ich habe den letzten Spielstand gespeichert, aber es gelingt mir nicht mehr ihn zu laden.
    Bei ca. 50% stürzt TF ab!

  • Hi @KlausiMaus, you have a different error message, and honestly, I haven't encountered this one yet. But maybe someone else comes by and have an answer for it? If I have to guess, I think that there are conflicts with the industry DLC. As @GamingPotatoes asked earlier; Do you have multiple industry-mods activated?

    I don't discuss politics, football or money.

  • The last line in the stdout.txt would be your error message (It can also be just "goodbye" which shows after a normal shutdown). In your stdout.txt the error message is:

    c:\build\transport_fever\steam\transport_fever_release\src\game\transport\vehicle_cargo_util.cpp:89: class std::vector<class std::vector<struct VehicleCargoInfo,class std::allocator<struct VehicleCargoInfo> >,class std::allocator<class std::vector<struct VehicleCargoInfo,class std::allocator<struct VehicleCargoInfo> > > > __cdecl vehicle_cargo_util::MakeVehicleCargoInfo(const class transport::CargoTypeRep *,const struct model_metadata::TransportVehicle &,const class std::vector<int,class std::allocator<int> > &,int,class std::vector<int,class std::allocator<int> > &): Assertion `config >= 0 && config < (int)tv.compartments[c].size()' failed.
    MinidumpCallback: dumpPath "D:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/userdata/303180107/446800/local/crash_dump/", minidumpId "440f7c93-a8fe-460f-8e8c-43406b95cd26", succeeded 1
    local time is Tue Apr 09 06:34:47 2019

    For me it seems that the game is unable to create vehicle/cargo data. As a disclaimer on the steam-page of the Industry DLC it reads the following: "It does not work with the other mods that change standard characteristics of factories, freight wagons and trucks."

    Could it be that you use some mod/mods that alter the characteristics of wagons or trucks? Again, I haven't encountered this error before, so I'm just guessing here, but maybe we find the solution together. Still, if anyone drops by and knows what gives this error, please feel free to share.

    I don't discuss politics, football or money.

  • @KlausiMaus , can you try to do something? Can you set the mod load priority of the three Common-api's on first, second and third. After that set the Industry DLC on the fourth place. That way the game loads the common api as first, and after that it immediate loads the industry DLC, just to see if that makes some difference?

    Edit: If that doesn't fix it, try to change the priority of the post/mail-mods. So again, first load the common api's, next post-mod beta, next industry DLC, next mail add-on. Also, see if temporarily disable "Re450 Mod: Yellow doors, more capacity and cargo." makes a difference. as the error seems to be a vehicle error, and this mod changes characteristics from passenger into a freight wagon.

    I don't discuss politics, football or money.

    3 Mal editiert, zuletzt von Priester ()

  • Thanks a lot.
    The last line has shown always a cause of the crash, right?

    My idea was to go back with installed mods, before the game crashed, and the Airport Road Connections Mod was just one of these.

    Now I tried to disable all mods which are new with the last stored.
    But some of them are use so how could I remove them?

    Or are there more log files for analyses, how could I figure out more details of the cargo vehicle which fails.

  • Yes, you can open the stdout.txt from LuisLuis and will see this line on the bottom :

    c:\build\transport_fever\steam\transport_fever_release\src\game\urbansim\industry_util.cpp:124: class ecs::Entity __cdecl industry_util::CreateIndustry(struct street_util::StreetToolkit,const class transport::CargoTypeRep *,const class CGameTime *,const class ecs::NameSystem *,const class CostRep *,const class ConstructionRep *,const struct industry_util::IndustryRectangle &,const class ecs::Entity &,bool): Assertion `!snapNodes.empty()' failed.
    MinidumpCallback: dumpPath "C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/userdata/334479245/446800/local/crash_dump/", minidumpId "2cf593be-5124-4d78-83ad-106ae4ec3c63", succeeded 1
    local time is Sun Mar 31 17:00:05 2019

    Now i encountered the same error when using the airport connection road mod, that way I knew it had something to do with that. In your case it seems to be a complete different error.

    By my knowledge you cannot disable mods that are in use, for example, if you have bought a train from a mod you cannot disable it before you have sold that specific train.

    Edit: There is a way, but only by loading earlier save-games, where those mods aren't activated. This means however that you also will lose some progress. But, auto-saves do only go back that much auto-saves, so it could be that it's already overwritten.

    I don't discuss politics, football or money.

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Priester ()

  • I edited my last post: you can try to load an auto-save where possible this mod isn't active. Downside is that you lose some progress and that auto-saves only go back a few saves. (if you have auto save enabled of course)

    I don't discuss politics, football or money.
