Railway signals and level crossing Switzerland

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  • Would it be possible to have the Swiss railway signals (Type L and N). If possible not like in TPF 1 where we had to modify one file and then another, add another mod in this one so that it works. In order to meet the criteria for mod requests, I explain again all the characteristics of the signals used in Switzerland.

    Type L signals are the older generation signals used by all Swiss railway companies.
    3 types of type L signals exist:

    - the main signal can be with the lights placed vertically ranging from 2 to 6 lights, it can also be rectangular in shape placed vertically with 2 columns of lights. See link below.
    - the advanced signal. As its name suggests, it indicates the image of the main signal to the driver if the main signal cannot be seen directly by the driver in order to anticipate the image of the signal. It is square in shape and has 2 columns of lights: 2 oranges and 2 to 3 greens. See link below.
    - the combined signal. As its name suggests, it makes it possible to indicate the images of a main signal respectively at its location as well as the next main signal image in the case of an advanced signal overhung by a main signal. See link below.

    Type N (digital) signals are the new generation signals, there are 2 types of signals:

    - the main signal is composed of 3 lights: green, orange and red, placed in triangular ways.
    - the advanced signal is composed only of green and orange. These two signals are often equipped with an LED panel, indicating the speed of the section after it or at the next signal for the advanced signal.

    For level crossings, those used in TPF 1 are doing very well, despite the fact that there is no sound.

    For further information on signals, the link to the website of the Swiss Confederation concerning railway signals is indicated below.

    Thanks in advance to the modders.

    link : https://www.bav.admin.ch/bav/d…orschriften/fdv-2016.html (the file in question is called: R 300. 2 - Signale - A2016 (DOC, 7 MB, 26. 11. 2015))

  • Yoshi

    Hat das Label vollständig hinzugefügt
  • Where ? I can't find him.

    I use a converter for vehicles. Is it the same one?

    The problem with TPF 1 signals is that you have to add one mod, then another, then a mod in another mod. What I'd like is that when you download the mod either on Steam or on TPF. net, it's to have direct access to the mod without having to make any modifications.
