Edge / nodes problem

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  • I'm stuck with a problem about edges. I have a mdl file with some transportnodes as seen in attached image. I get a CTD if I connect the blue marked edges to the same coordinate as the connection street. This mdl file was only converted with the TpF1 -> TpF2 converter from @EAT1963 and missing parameters that is new in TpF2 is manually added, like "linkable = false, -- /(true)," in the laneLists. I would appreciate help from anyone that know how streets should be configurated in TpF2.
    I have also tried to set the linkable to true but I don't get any automated connection only a CTD for each try. Comparing the structure with the vanilla bus station doesn't give me any new idea.

    Code: stdout.txt
    c:\build\tpf2_steam\src\game\ecs\transportnetworksystem.cpp:74: bool __cdecl `anonymous-namespace'::IsValidTransition(const struct transport::Edge &,const struct transport::Edge &,struct transport::NodeId): Assertion `person0 == person1' failed.
    MinidumpCallback: dumpPath "I:/Steam/userdata/70790454/1066780/local/crash_dump/", minidumpId "d57939aa-6b36-4a55-8d15-b39b10f1f95f", succeeded 1
    local time is Sun Jan 12 13:00:13 2020