What's wrong with my plane mod?

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  • Hi, hope someone knows what's up with this. I'm making a mod to add a new plane. I found a free model that looked really good, have tweaked and exported it from Blender-> Model Editor -> in game. I've added most of the metadata to the mdl file using notepad++ as the model editor stuff seems very fiddly, it's mostly based on the Bleriot XI mdl file.

    - the plane shows up, in the right place with my placeholder icons, to buy in the game.

    - you can buy it, assign it a route, and the plane, correctly textured, comes out of the hangar, goes to pick up passengers and then takes off on its route.

    I have three problems which may or may not be related:

    1) Not that bad, but when the plane turns on the runway to the left it first jerks slightly to the right, and vice versa.

    2) More seriously, the plane is exactly horizontal as modeled, not on its tail wheel as it should be. It looks like the plane has no physics attached to it, has no weight or inertia or anything. I have set a weight in the mdl file.

    3) Most seriously, when the plane takes off it disappears. Just turns invisible. You can see the icon if you zoom out, you can follow it in the 'Vehicle 1' window, it reappears when it lands. But when it's in the air, it's just not there.

    Anyone got any ideas?

    Here it is on youtube:

    Externer Inhalt youtu.be
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    mdl is attached


    • rapide.mdl

      (30,97 kB, 160 Mal heruntergeladen, zuletzt: )

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Unkempt142857 ()

  • I'm going to bump this and ask - has anybody actually made a plane mod for this game? I've seen reskins and conversions from TF1, but has anyone made a brand new, from a Blender (or whatever) model, plane vehicle?

    There seems to be something very specific in the way the rudder/elevator are defined in the actual model that makes everything work but I just can't get it to go right.

  • Where did You put the wheels on the model? Not the parts that look like those, but the parts that You declared as such in the .mdl? Normally, with those parts properly declared, the game will automatically tweak the aircrafts x axis without any issues in order to properly place it on its wheels.

    The plane disappearing when getting airborne... I´d tend to look in the direction of LOD distances for those first.

    If You want me to take a look at the model, pop me a PN.

  • This should be a link to the mod, if I've done it right -


    I think the wheels are OK; they're defined by the meshes of the wheels in the model

    axleRadii = { 0.5, 0.5, },

    axles = { "vehicle/plane/rapide/roueG_roueG_mesh_lod0.msh", "vehicle/plane/rapide/roueD_roueD_mesh_lod0.msh", },

    wheelRadii = { 0.1, },

    wheels = { "vehicle/plane/rapide/roueA_roueA_mesh_lod0.msh", },

    I thought about the LOD but I only have a lod0 model and it's

    visibleFrom = 0,

    visibleTo = 2608.8515625,

    - so that should be OK. Besides, it doesn't disappear at certain distances, it just goes away the instant it should be taking off.

    The reason I think it might be something to do with the elevator/rudder is that I took the Bleriot model and deliberately broke it until it behaved like mine and it was getting rid of the elevator/rudder definitions that made it act like mine on the ground (but didn't disappear at take off, so that's probably a different thing?). Also it looks like my elevator is rotating around the wrong axis and I'm not sure how to fix that.

    Anyway, if anybody has any ideas then they're all very welcome. Thanks!

  • You can append files directly to any post here, be it in the public forum or in a private message. No need to resort to more or less seedy 3rd party providers.

    The steering surfaces on a TPF(2) model have nothing to do with the aircrafts movement, they are just for decoration (see the CL-44 that still has the elevators moving completely wrongly). There is a lexicon article explaining their animation method here if You like (shameless self-plug ;) ); it is written for TPF1 but works just the same for TPF2.

    Generally, there is no need to build the .mdl from scratch oneself. A proven way that I have used often is to build the model for TPF1, get it completely ready in that game, and then apply EAT1963s excellent converter to it. That way, You get the .mdl built automatically. For TPF2, it only takes only very few manual tweaks to the .mdl to get the lights and blurred propellers to work, and that´s it.
