Is it any way to have waypoints show up as the next destination in cockpit view?

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  • When traveling in cockpit view. There is text at the bottom of the screen. One of the lines of text shows where the train is heading to next. And will say something like "Heading for New York Central" if the next station in the line is called New York Central.

    Unfortunately this text ignores all waypoints and only show the next station in line. Is there anyway to force the game to update the "Heading for ..." text to include waypoints? If anybody has any ideas. I'd be interested in hearing them. If it ends up requiring modding. I'm up to that.

    Just to be clear I basically want to change the "Heading for ..." at the bottom of the screen at numerous locations without stopping the train. And waypoints are the only way I could think to do it. So I either need to find a way to make waypoints change that text. Or else find another way to solve the problem without using waypoints. Any ideas?

    I should probably mention that this is for cosmetics only. I'm getting ready to create a cockpit view video and the theme is a scenic tour. The line takes over 50 minutes of real time to travel both ways. And it only has a station at either end. I placed waypoints at various places along the line with names that describe upcoming views. Unfortunately as I explained before. They do not change the text at the bottom of the screen.

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Yoshi ()
