Factory without road

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  • Hello to all I ask you experts if it is possible to make a change to the factories to eliminate the existing road, that is to position it without a road, perhaps through a script that allows you to choose: type road ON or road OFF Hello and thanks to all.

  • Thanks ecjw250 for the answer, I knew this, I was wondering if it was possible before placing it, because I have situations that I would like to put the factory in spaces already built with roads, houses ... in order not to demolish the area because of the road. Who knows if anyone has an idea how to make it. Thanks anyway

  • I made a small mod for myself which removed the street at the industry, but it's not a script mod, they are just copies of the original industry .cons without the street entrys. It works great, but this means, it doesn't work with any other industry mod.

    I tryed to make a script mod, but my scripting skills are nod good enough for this. I don't know, if it's possible with modifiers, maybe someone with better scripting skills is able to do this :)

    Trolle bitte nicht füttern. Danke!

  • Ciao Elli, anch'io sto modificando i file .con come te in questo modo:


    ["street"] = {

    { { 71.00000, -58.00000, -0.00000 }, { 71.00000, 58.00000, -0.00000 }, },



    Tuttavia sarebbe bello per qualcuno fare uno script, sarebbe molto conveniente. Grazie ancora per l'interesse.
