Compatibility between Ts2 to Ts1 mods

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  • Hi at all and happy new eyars.

    I wanted to know, as someone says it, that it is possible to successfully convert the new mods for transportferer 2 with transportfever 1. I am looking for something more, do you know something? Is it possible to make a mode for Tf2 work on Trasport fever? Its possible do this?

  • Interessante Frage die mich auch schon eine Weile umtreibt, besonders weil in letzter Zeit wirkliche tolle Gebäude als Asset entstanden sind. / Interesting question that has been bothering me for a while, especially because really great buildings have emerged as assets lately.

    Bekennender TPF 1 Spieler und Schönbauer

  • Yes, I think that's an interesting question too. Maybe it is possible with a kind of script or someone creates a tutorial on how to do something like this, i.e. rewrite it yourself. With some things that would certainly not work, but with most normal assets it would be! Unfortunately, I have no idea about that... | übersetzt mit google :D weil bin dumm

    Ja, dass finde ich auch eine interessante Frage. Vielleicht ist es ja mit einer Art Script möglich oder jemand erstellt ein Tutorial, wie man so etwas machen könnte, also selber umscripten. Bei einigen Sachen gänge das bestimmt nicht aber bei den meisten normalen Assets bestimt! Ich habe da leider keine Ahnung von sowas...

  • That is not difficult, all the materials have to be written back into the mesh and a new mdl that is compatible with TPF has to be written. The script for placing may also have to be adapted.

    Das ist nicht schwierig, es müssen nur die ganzen materials wieder in die Mesh geschrieben werden und ne neue mdl geschrieben werden die mit TPF kompatibel ist. Das script fürs platzieren muss eventuell auch angepasst werden.

  • MaikC immer wenn ich von Dir "es ist nicht schwierig" lese, habe ich das Gefühl, da steckt doch einiges an Arbeit drin. Gerade wenn man sich erstmal in die Materie einarbeiten muss. Aber Wirklich Danke für den Hinweis und die Kurzbeschreibung.

    Whenever I read "It is not difficult" from you, I have the feeling that there is still a lot of work involved. Especially when you first have to work in yourself with the subject. But really thanks for the hint and the short description.

    Bekennender TPF 1 Spieler und Schönbauer

  • I think that transport is still a valid game, with still a lot of potential, with a great community. I was disappointed with the conveyor 2 because it is really heavy to spin, and not a great advantage. The graphic engine is the same as in Cityes: Skylines already little appreciated for that game let alone for the transportfever genre It would be nice if those with the skills could do a tutorial on how to convert Tf2 mods for transportfever. We will finally have a truly varied and more complete game. It would be a selfless gesture since now the contents for transport 1 no longer make money as before.
