SIM in Mod einbinden - weiß wer, wie ich das am besten mache?

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  • Hallo Leute,

    ich würde bei meinem Umschlagbahnhof gerne einen Bediener in die Krankabine setzen.

    Da das kein Fahrzeug ist, funktioniert der Seat-Provider nicht. Hinzu kommt, dass die Kabine über ein .ani-File animiert ist, sich der SIM also mitbewegen müsste.

    Ich habe etwas rumprobiert, habe aber keine Idee, wie ich das anstellen soll.

    Hat jemand Erfahrung damit und kann mir einen Tipp geben? Kennt jemand evtl. ein Beispielmod, wo so was schon mal umgesetzt wurde und ich was abschauen kann?

    Wäre super dankbar für eine Hilfestellung.

    Liebe Grüße

  • doug : Yes I could. But this gives me just the raw model - standing with spread arms. I need a sitting one like driving_upright. This is covered in the operators mdl with a lot of nested animations. I`d need to reference this from my mdl to assign transf and ani.

    In the meantime I made my own low-poly-model. Anyway I would like to know if there is a way to include the UG-Sims.

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Kanshi ()

  • It looks very promising. Adding characters is easy.

    You can use the vanila sims, basicly all you need to do is change the animation you want to forever.

    So if you want sitting, then change that to forever in your character mdl file.

    You can also copy the characters definition from its original mdl file to include it in your asset mdl .

    Personaly I also remove the animations I'm not using to not have obsolte code.

    For use like this you won't need any metadata for the character.

    You can find examples in most of my mods, e.g. the crew features for the DAF 55 Fire truck asset.

    Oh and of course, use your own file names and if you leave meta data prevent them to spawn by setting the available years < 1850

    Reply in German if you want, but allow me to stick to English.

  • Yes that should be possible. You'll want to make the character mesh a child of the crane (cabin).

    On my DAF55 the tail lift has animated lights that are child to the platform.

    Reply in German if you want, but allow me to stick to English.
