Hungarian narrow gauge project

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  • Hello!

    I started modelling hungarian narrow gauge locomotives and rollingstock for my model layout about 3 years ago. And I'm recently wondering about to make these models to mods to this game, but sadly I can't do modding or textureing.

    After this prouloge, I would like to recruit modders, animators and people who can do textures for this project. For modelling I use SketchUp, and I could give any informations, pictures and etc. about these locos.

    And about the locos I place a link, where I collected them.

    So if I caught your attention, please let me know.

  • Hello HadasTamas

    I'm sorry but you will probably be disappointed. You are not the only one here who can only build models, some of this models have been offered here for years without anyone finding anyone who wants to continue building them. You also have a niche project (narrow gauge) in a niche country (there are few Hungarians here and afaik no active Hungarian modders).

    So if you really want to see these mods ingame, you will have no choice but to watch the tutorials and try it yourself.
