Random container selection for well car code?

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  • Greeting all,

    Just wondering if anyone can provide insight into a block of code that would randomly select a container from a pool I've made to go with my double stack well car? It's all in a single mod I'm just not sure how to have it randomly select one for the bottom and a different one for the top.


  • Ah beautiful, I'm getting there!

    Can you break what I'm looking at a little bit?

    {{capacity=150, customCargoModels={configurations={{slotLevels={ {}, {2}, {2,3}, {2,3,4}, {2,3,4,5}, }, },},},type="FUEL",}, }

    What does slotLevels refer to? Part of how it tells what combination to load where?

    Group = 21 refers to what? Many groups have the same number and different transf, I assume for front and rear and upper front and rear loading?

    ( apologies if I'm a bit slow, I usually just make locomotives. ;)

    Thank you so much for the help mate!

  • Ahh that helps! I *think* I follow, I'm going to go have a bit of an experiment with various combinations.

    Thank you for pointing in the right direction, as always. :)

  • Alright, I think I've got my head wrapped around this and have it loading a selection of random 40 foot Australian containers.

    {{capacity=150, customCargoModels={configurations={{slotLevels={ {}, {1}, {0,1}, },},},},type="GOODS",},},

    The only other question I have with this code is how can I make it load either 2 40' stacked or one 48' when full, randomly chosen? If I add it to the next entry, like so:

     {{capacity=150, customCargoModels={configurations={{slotLevels={ {}, {1}, {0,1}, {2}},},},},type="GOODS",},},

    It progesses through the single 40, the double 40 and onto the single 48, which I assume is what it's meant to do as it fills up. But I'd like either a single 48' or stacked 40's at random.

    I'm very happy with everything else so far. MaikC's code is top notch as always. :P

    Thanks so much for your time! :)

