The Sun (Moire Effect)

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  • Hi,

    The Lightsource must be adjusted to the World rather than the Viewport or Camera and Cockpit it is causing a big "Jam" and eventually causing some effects that make-seem a "moire-effect". This is caused by a wrong angle of the lightsource and also occurs in the "Default.lua" environment. Here is a short video with 'modded' tracks.

    Here is a recording of the Moire effect by placing adjacent 8 or more tracks.

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    I experience 'many' visual glitches including moving shadows as seen in this thumbnail and the attachements


    As you can see in the screenshots attached the angle of the shadow is inclinating in the direction of the sun it is moving along with the viewport causing 'strange results' such as waves in the shadows. Suggesting the lightsource is not stable.

    This is fixed by setting the Lightsource in the right angle and another axis of tilt should be added and for modification perhaps the suggestion would be extra decimals (for better moving atmosphere's).

    After the Adjustment in the Debug Tools Environment section and adjusting the brightness i managed to restore my depth vision and 'glitching' and i managed upon till today (Due to Out of Memory issue because of a replaced Vcard) to make very big railroads with really nice lightning effects.

    Here is are some video's i made of the result. I hope you can do something with it.

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  • I changed my environment to Dark_blue.lua.

    I disabled rayleigh.
    I changed the brightness to match my screen and the rotation of the sun in an angle that is preferable for the position of the cockpit viewport.

    It is desirable to urge the Developers of the game to 'stabilize' the environment and its lightsources because they are spiralling around and it takes a lot of VRAM and GPU power to correct that. The Sun is moving along with the cockpit in the viewport and that creates nasty artefacts. It should be 'fixed' in a position and later through lua adjusted for cycle's and stuff.

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    Ейн Ни`кла し :|
