Help finding some mods

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  • Hi all, wonder if anyone can help finding some mods, i have looked on the steam workshop and found the cranes in the pictures but i am trying to find the yellow vechiles,cones, workmen on building (are they european firemen?) also the silver fence anyone recognize any of them? hunting through the workshop and not finding anythng like them, they may be listed not in english so that may be why i cant find them ,or they are on another site, anyone recognize any? also looking for any other building

    site mods ect any pointers greatly received :)


  • Hello,

    Many mods have been created by German users and therefore sometimes have German names.

    You can find the people here:

    Person asset expanded

    Person asset expanded 2

    The construction site - traffic patrol on steam:…5091&searchtext=baustelle

    There are now many mods for fences. I would recommend this one: Zäune von JAG-999

    But remember that this mod is the basis for that: Zäune

    Der Mensch ist nicht das, was er vorgibt zu sein - er ist das, was er verbirgt!

  • Thanks for all your comments and links i have now got all the mods i was after :)

    will have to remember to search for the German wording in future, as i would have never found these mods as i was searching for english words :)
