Loading screen hangs (Eastern Europe map)

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  • Hello everyone.Please help me solve the problem.I can't start a new game on the mod map (Eastern Europe).On the loading screen, only 1 cm of loading time passes in an hour of continuous time.When trying to minimize the game, it freezes with the error an error just occurred.I was able to download my last save from 2022 with your mod and the eis_os Street Pack mod.All script mods are installed after the last major update from 03/9/2023.Your mods are also installed in the latest version.

    As this is not a CommonAPI2 Problem, this post was moved into it's own topic (eis_os)

  • Disable Advanced Camera Views

    adding archive E:/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/1066780/1916488459/res/res.zip

    There should be no zips in any mods, errors in the past shown problems with zip archives.

    I would suggest removing CommonAPI2 completely, and test again. (Keeping Streetpackage)

    Does it happen without CommonAPI2 as well? Yes? -> No fault of CommonAPI2

  • Mishanya : As this not a CommonAPI2 problem, I moved your problem it's own topic.

    Note: The streetpackage has to be active for loading a savegame successfully, you should not disable it.

    There is a Tupolew Tu-154B TPF2 1.0/-1 (0) () that seems to be wrongly installed. Maybe some other user has an additional idea.

    Alternatively you may contact the Urban Games Support directly via transportfever2.com

  • Hi.🕺🕺🕺 I solved my problem, re-downloaded all my mods and unpacked them separately.Apparently some files were damaged during unpacking.Maybe who knows 7 zip can unpack several mods at the same time without errors when unpacking?
