transport fever 2 linux native dosent start. gives grapics context creation failed (vulkan)

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  • So, uninstall the Windows/Proton version, install the Linux version, do the manual settings config change to OpenGL that I suggested above and your game will most likely run on Linux natively. Why have you stated you already tried using OpenGL on Linux native if it's not true?

  • " already tried using OpenGL on Linux native if it's not true?"
    and the question was if i have used the OpenGL version before before vulkan was a thing, and the answer to that is still no

    i did try it and i tried it again just now to be sure the game just auto closes no error

    steam goas transport fever ,launching, running and after at most 3 seconds defaults back to the way installed games look

    and the question was if i have used the OpenGL version before before vulkan was a thing, and the answer to that is still no

  • I would recommend you to edit ~/.local/share/Steam/userdata/<your steam user nr>/1066780/local/settings.lua and replace renderer = VULKAN with renderer = "OPENGL". Then the game will start use OpenGL instead of Vulkan. With OpenGL the game will run smoother in my experience, anyway.

    Have you already done this as suggested?

  • Can you please post the stdout after the change ? There now has to be a different error message that might bring us a step further to a solution, as it seems the problem probably isn't related to Vulkan :)

  • Seems like your game crashes now but without doing a coredump. Could you please post the output of ls -lt /home/clemens/.steam/debian-installation/userdata/343031160/1066780/local/crash_dump and (sudo) coredumpctl list ?

  • Code
    ls -lt /home/clemens/.steam/debian-installation/userdata/343031160/1066780/local/crash_dump
    total 530912
    -rw------- 1 clemens clemens  110160 Nov 19 18:21 9e78b7cc-6d80-4449-9c2e21a3-b1a3fac8.dmp
    -rwxrwxrwx 1 clemens clemens    1210 Nov 19 18:21 9e78b7cc-6d80-4449-9c2e21a3-b1a3fac8_stdout_old.txt
    -rwxrwxrwx 1 clemens clemens    1137 Nov 19 18:21 stdout.txt
    -rw-rw-r-- 1 clemens clemens       4 Nov 19 18:21 lockfile
    -rwxrwxrwx 1 clemens clemens    1210 Nov 19 18:21 stdout_old.txt
  • Then please write that the command did not work instead of leaving it out.

    I thought/hoped ubuntu does have coredumpctl preinstalled. Try to find the necessary pkg with apt search systemd-coredump and install it. Then, start the game again & after it crashed run the command that didn't work.

  • How you installed steam or smth. related to systemd-coredump? Please be precise in your posts, this isn't the 1st time I just have to guess. :/

    If it's steam you're asking about, posting the steam system information may be the quickest way, we'll have to see. But posting the output of apt list --installed would be a good idea for further troubleshooting anyway.
