Getting rid of annoying birds

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  • Hello everybody,

    I recently discovered this game and having a great time with it if it wasn't for one little thing...

    The birds...

    These buggers drive me crazy.

    Not the flying ones, which I think are quite ridiculous, but I can live with them.

    No I mean the annoying sound effect of the singing birds in first person.

    Now I tried all sorts of things. Renaming the files. Deleting them alltogether.

    Two versions of a mod....., nothing worked. So in the end I just took the 2 culprit files and just edited out the audio.

    Very thorough and very simple. And it works, finally... ;( (tears of joy)

    So I was thinking maybe there's more people out there with the same problem.

    Maybe my solution is useful for somebody.

    So hereby I'll attach the edited files.

    They are the exact same files but the audio is silenced out, so the game will still play the effects, only this time it's delicious, soothing silence.

    Drop them in your gamefolder/res/audio/effects/environment and overwrite.

    MAKE SURE TO MAKE A BACKUP FIRST in case you want your chirping buddies back.

    Kill two birds with one shot.7z

    Thanks to everybody here who make the site possible and thanks to all content makers out there for making and sharing wonderful stuff.

    have fun.
