Manually installed mods not loading

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  • Hello there,

    apprantely I have a problem with Transport Fever 2.

    My mods which I have just installed recently (i put that in the userdata/mods folder), they are not in the mod list. Such as the Desiro HC and stuff.

    Also applies to steam workshop mods I guess.

  • Are they named correctly? all mods need to have _1 at the end so mods would me listed xxxxxxx_1

    if they dont have the _1 then they wont appear :), i have to change the names to any manual downloaded mods :)

  • Are they named correctly? all mods need to have _1 at the end so mods would me listed xxxxxxx_1

    if they dont have the _1 then they wont appear :), i have to change the names to any manual downloaded mods :)

    MAN THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH, i was going to throw my PC out the window!!! i would have never noticed it! have a nice one :D
