Invisable goods being transported

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  • Just a question for the experts :)

    i have the new industries mod running and have set up a chain to make cars,

    including tires, when i set a train route to carry tires i select the correct open wagon that shown me it can carry tires

    when it leaves the station with a full load of tires the wagons look empty but the train has a full load of them,

    what would cause this? the industry mod ?, the wagon (its one of the basic open wagons in game) next step is to try and find anopther open wagon see if it still happens :)

  • Yes it is the industry mod, all waggon (vehicle) with User defined Cargo (visible Cargo) will look empty for the goods added by any industry mod.

    So you can either:

    1. Only use models that do not have a loading animation (i.e. user defined cargo).

    2. Do it yourself and add the necessary entries to the required lines in the models of your choice

    3. Ask the modder if he wants to do this (but the answer will probably be no in 99.9% of cases)
