(Personenwagen) BBÖ Ci

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  • YstlDystl: I will retexture the original and send you the files - provided that you'll send me an e-mailadress (via conversation), so you can incorporate it into your files. And of course: if you send me the psd of the ELK I'll see what I can do - send a picture of which skin you desire.

    Licaon: NP, I can get every color a man/woman could possibly want: I only need reference. That leaves me one question:

    Can you (or anyone) for that matter post referencematerial for other variants of this particular car? I've already got the
    (darkgreen) CSD-version on page nr. 2, are there any more? If so, I'll make a pack.

  • I've changed the modelfiles a bit: it will be available between 1918 and 1938. To my knowledge the BBÖ was founded in 1923, 5 years after the end of the Great War. I've changed it to 1918 however to fill the gap with the kkStB retexture (available 1895-1918). Possible DRG versions wil come between 1938-1945 and post war (like ÖeBB and CSD) 1945-1955. At least, that's what I'd do.

  • Thank you for the lettering (and base color), that saves a lot of time spent otherwise for research. I've run into a pickle though:
    Your template was based on this model, but ingame (see first attached picture) it doesn't look quite right. Almost to simple?

    In my head it would seem that most wagons from 1938 till 1950/53 would be an amalgam of DRG and (late) BBÖ styles. Further-
    more, as far as I can tell from historic pictures from similar coaches - pick 10 of the same type and you would easily encounter
    several differences.

    To try to make a realistic approach to a post-war Austrian Ci, I tried to simulate the template as used on this model, and created
    the repaint as shown in the second picture. It depicts roughly the same parts, but contains class designation and mark of ownership.
    Although it still shows the "BBÖ" mark, I believe its still an accurate post-war OeBB skin I believe, because I sincerely doubt the OeBB
    went about repainting all Ci's, because they were already rebuilt/reshaped from 1950 on.

    Thoughts? Anyone?

  • Well, I think the first one looks better, but maybe it's just because I'm used to seeing the "Nichtraucher"-sign in the center.

    I have one question, do you still have the bathroom window (frosted white in the middle) on both sides? Because the currently uploaded version (no, I still haven't updated the webdisk entry) only has the bathroom window on the right side...

    Lg, YstlDystl

  • And here my impression of a "DRG" version of the Austrian Ci. Unfortunately there's not a lot (almost nothing) to go on, but we have to presume
    that a number of these wagons were redecorated in the DRG-theme - if not complete, at least for a part. I've based my repaint on this model.

    Well, I think the first one looks better, but maybe it's just because I'm used to seeing the "Nichtraucher"-sign in the center.

    I have one question, do you still have the bathroom window (frosted white in the middle) on both sides? Because the currently uploaded version (no, I still haven't updated the webdisk entry) only has the bathroom window on the right side...

    Only the right side? I'm gonna check it out. If so, aint that the right way the go? The bathroom isn't supposed to encompass the entire width of the coach does it?

    Well, I think the first one looks better, but maybe it's just because I'm used to seeing the "Nichtraucher"-sign in the center.

    Perhaps if I use the second skin, only with the "Nichtraucher" sign moved to the middle?

  • Your template was based on this model, but ingame (see first attached picture) it doesn't look quite right. Almost to simple?

    Post-1953 OEBB cars (which I've made) were quite simple: http://www.abload.de/img/img_3745nuwq.jpg
    some didn't even have had a "non-smoker"-sign....


    In my head it would seem that most wagons from 1938 till 1950/53 would be an amalgam of DRG and (late) BBÖ styles.

    You're right. In 'occupation period' after WW II, the old company BBÖ was used again. Numbers and lettering stayed DRG-like, only the text "B.B. Österreich" had been added. They stayed this way till 1953, in russian occupied zone till 1955 (Russian cars were marked as "trofej" = prey; and weren't allowed for renumbering)


    To try to make a realistic approach to a post-war Austrian Ci, I tried to simulate the template as used on this model, and created the repaint as shown in the second picture. It depicts roughly the same parts, but contains class designation and mark of ownership.

    So, as a matter of fact, both versions are realistic.


    Although it still shows the "BBÖ" mark, I believe its still an accurate post-war OeBB skin I believe, because I sincerely doubt the OeBB went about repainting all Ci's, because they were already rebuilt/reshaped from 1950 on.

    Not all of 'em, but some. The "Spantenwagen" rebuilding did last till 1959, so there were few years in the 50s, where 'new' Spantenwagen and old 'Ci' were mixed in the same train!

    Unfortunately there's not a lot (almost nothing) to go on, but we have to presume
    that a number of these wagons were redecorated in the DRG-theme - if not complete, at least for a part. I've based my repaint on this model.

    I think your DRG version should be more like this model of a BBÖ-N28-car - little bit greater eagle (Reichsadler) and yellow lettering.

    Only the right side? I'm gonna check it out. If so, aint that the right way the go? The bathroom isn't supposed to encompass the entire width of the coach does it?

    The Ci car only had one single bathroom in the middle, on the opposite side there was a single seat. So the bathroom window is only on one side - on the other it was a normal look-through window.

    MfG, die Licaon

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Licaon ()
