Reinstall, do saved games stay?

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  • Hello
    Recently, I installed mod manager and alot of other stuff after finding out that there were made a lot of mods for this game! One of the things I installed was TF Vehicle Edit, which I wanted because I wanted to make two or three vehicles available ealier. The thing is, that I do not understand german, so before I found out that you could change the language, I clicked a few buttons here and there. At that stage I found out that I had suddently made all vehicles available from 1850 and until forever. Of course without having a backup file. So now to get all things back to normal, are there another way than reinstalling the whole game? And if not, is saved games saved somewhere out of the game folder, so they will stay? Or do I need to make a backup of the saved games?

  • When you're using the Steam Version you can check your installed game files:

    Right click on Train Fever in Steam and choose properties (last entry in the menu, I do have German steam Version so it might be named a little different). A windows will open. The third tab should be lokal files. There the last button should let you check your game files for Errors and fix only changed files. Save games will not be affected. They are in a different Folder, separated from the game files.

    P.S. Welcome to the forums :)
