Bing Translations

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  • Hello all...

    Not understanding German, I need to rely on my BING translator to read most of the posts. And sometimes you need a translator to translate the translation...smiles.

    A recent example:

    Also hör mal das ist eine Map, probier sie aus das dauert keine 5 Minuten. Wenn Du denkst das ist ein Virus lass es. Ich denke ich sollte hier nichts hochladen, was für ein Zirkus. Euch entgeht Nichts, wenn Ihr die Map nicht herunterladet.

    Is translated into:

    So this is a map look, try the last not 5 minutes. If you think this is a virus please let. I think I should not upload here, what kind of a circus. Nothing escapes you, if you do not download the map.

    Anyway...Just sayin'.


  • Google translator is a bit better, i think. The translation makes more sense ^^

    "So listen to me that's a map, try them out that takes less than 5 minutes. If you think this is a virus, please let. I think I should upload anything here, what a circus. You miss nothing if you do not 'downloads the map."

    But I'm wondering what you want to say with your post :?: , that BING translations makes little sense? What did you expect, it's from microsoft :D

  • Your example is not good German. Despite of that the translation could be better.

    Google gives you:
    So listen to me that's a map, try them out that takes less than 5 minutes. If you think this is a virus let. I think I should upload anything here, what a circus. You miss nothing if you do not 'downloads the map.

    That looks like a far better result.

    Edit says: @MaikC was faster.

    Des weiteren bin ich der Meinung, dass Rangieren ein sinnvolles Feature dieses Spiels wäre.

  • He seems to be pissed, that someone asked, if this is a virus or contains a virus. He says, that its only a map, nothing else. Try it or dont, you dont miss anything, when you dont download the map. To try it out, all is needed are 5 minutes of time.

    So, the question is, why someone askes about a virus or why a virus is a point of this "discussion" at all. Dunno which anti-vir finds "accidentially" anything bad looking "code" in a png image and a text-file (lua). So to be carefull is not wrong, i think. Perhaps the creators PC is compromised without his knowledge? Perhaps its really just a wrong alert of the anti-vir? Perhaps its deliberatly a virus? I dont know ^^

    Well, perhaps i could help you. If all went wrong, contact the administration to investigate the hosted files. Im sure they are not interested in sharing viruses ^^

  • As I understand the original German post it is a result of high emotional reaction with nderground grammar and style of expressions. and a pissed finish. You may call it slang - same result.
    Hard to translate anyway, much harder for translation software.

    I would write like this:

    Sure it is a map! Test it. Will take less than 5 min. But if you believe it's a virus than just leave it. So what?
    I think I shouldn't upload anything else here. What a silly confusion....
    You guys will not miss anything if you don't download it.
    (pissed now, blabla, angry, sad, desperated, crying for mama, where is my soother and so on.......)

    @Heinekn - sometimes is better not to translate and understand everything ;):thumbup:
