The Paintshed by Cadoras

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  • Thanx guys! My two cents for today:

    Franzl updated the model on various points and created the later variants. I, in the meantime, expanded on my existing weathering on the locomotive and am almost finished
    with the general paintwork and weathering on this version.

  • Oh man. I just can't seem to find enough time to do this at the moment. No worries - just temporary. That being said, a little progress report,
    almost done:

    PS: People who send PM's to me - I'll answer shortly, you know - busy, busy, busy. It's about time I hired a Train-/Transport Fever secretary...

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Cadoras ()

  • After a lengthy absence - I'm back! Alas, my private life has put vast demands on my spare time and mind - but such with good cause.
    I've become father for the 2nd time, this time a healthy son and all are doing well. But enough with that trivial stuff!

    At the moment I'm busy with multiple projects, all of which in various stages of development. Some are on hold due to the fact they
    need modelling changes from their creator and some are worked on as we speak. Fortunately I'm at liberty to unveil some projects.

    The first one is a request made some time ago by our esteemed colleague @Pufferzone: he completely reworked his very popular
    Br 17 and asked me to rework the textures. A singular honor!

    The Br 17 is not only a very pretty locomotive, but it presents to me the opportunity to work on two things:

    1. I was dissatisfied with my take on the Prussian green. I know, if there are 3 experts, they will each present a different hue of
    green which they believe is the "true" Prussian green. In other words: there's room to play. Nonetheless, looking back I think
    my take on it leaned to much towards a more yellow-ish hue. Time for a change.

    2. As you all know Transport Fever is coming. A very interesting novelty is the phased weathering. For people who don't know what
    I mean: in Transport Fever they introduce the possibility to assign more then 1 texture to a vehicle. When the vehicle reaches a cer-
    tain age, a new texture is applied. That means that with correct weathering techniques, you'll be able to approximate the appearance
    of aging. As far as I've seen in the trailers, the minimum number of textures that can be assigned to a vehicle is 3.

    That last point is quite important for me: it means that I'll have to make 3 separate textures for each vehicle if I want to make proper
    use of this new feature. Not only that, I'll have to hone my weathering skills to create a realistic aging process in a minimum of 3 tex-

    Well, enough said. This is the first version, the clean KPEV-version:

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Cadoras ()

  • For a more detailed look, and to practise my GIF-skills, you can go here to see it in motion. Note that the animations aren't done yet - but that will
    (of course) be taken care of later by ze great Pufferzone himself, because I am to animating as my baby son is to stringtheory.

  • And the phased weathering on the DRG version:

    I think I've got it now, so the other versions will not be subject to experimentation. If some people ask why the last one got such a dark undercarriage:
    I wished the last stage of weathering made the locomotive look like they were on the verge of "Ausmusterung" or "Ausbesserung", in the olden days a
    locomotive at that stage looked utterly smeared and dirty, with its red undercarriage almost appearing black at times. For example, take these pictures:

    [Blockierte Grafik:]

    The 044 270-7 near Pünderich (Robin Fell) on the 1st of July 1971. Nine months later it was put out of service.

    [Blockierte Grafik:]

    012 061-8 at Norddeich Mole (Dr. Willi Hager) on the 11th of August 1974 (yes, almost exactly 42 years ago). Ten months later is was put out of service.

  • And the last two versions, the post-war Germans: DB & DR. You may note that they look very similar. Unfortunately that's realistic.
    The DB didn't use the BR 17.10 for very long: most of them were put out of service by 1949, the last one in 1952. That's about three
    years before the DB launched their new corporate identity with the now wellknown "DB-keks". Furthermore, I suspect that of those
    BR 17 surviving the war, almost none of them were changed very much - apart from removing some embarrassing sigils and slogans
    and the direktion & Bw designation.

    The DR used the Br 17 about 10 years longer, albeit that the longest lasting were the ones that were converted to "Kohlenstaubfeuerung".
    Unfortunately, the DB & DR lettering style was very similar in the first 10 years after the war. So, yeah. That's me saying I wasn't lazy... :D

  • From a locomotive built in 1911, to a locomotive built in 1996: whilst other locomotives await further tinkering of their creators,
    Jansch booted the Br 152 in my paintshed. At first my team of simple but honest workers looked baffled by this thing. Although it
    was created 20 years ago, some of my men almost fainted at the modernity of the ET 403, this one almost caused a riot. But with
    some threats and dog biscuits they went to work:
