Willkommen in der Transport Fever Community

Wir begrüßen euch in der Fan-Community zu den Spielen Transport Fever und Train Fever, den Wirtschaftssimulatoren von Urban Games. Die Community steht euch kostenlos zur Verfügung damit ihr euch über das Spiel austauschen und informieren könnt. Wir pflegen hier einen freundlichen und sachlichen Umgang untereinander und unser Team steht euch in allen Fragen gerne beiseite.


Die Registrierung und Nutzung ist selbstverständlich kostenlos.


Wir wünschen euch viel Spaß und hoffen auf rege Beteiligung.

Das Team der Transport-Fever Community

  • Good afternoon everyone

    Until recently, I have always just started a new map fresh, and not given much thought into where lines would go. I might connect cities A, B & C, and then have an idea which city might be next. But there was not large planning going on.

    This past weekend, I began a new game, on Rjoande's Siberian map, and before I started, I took screen shots of the northern part of the map, stitched them together in MS Paint, and began to draw lines everywhere: where stations would go (approximately), where lines would go, which resources I could cart to which industries etc

    Has anyone tried something similar and could give advice/experience? I'm not much a computer-graphics expert (which is why I was using MS Paint) but suggestions would be great

    Cheers 8)

  • Your post highlights one of the major weaknesses of Train-Fever, its very difficult to plan a transport system if you cannot see an overall map of the terrain!
    The game needs a facility to display the entire map on screen showing towns, industries, roads and rail lines etc. It should also enable the user to select which features are displayed. Let us hope they incorporate this feature in their new game.
