Hoping for a couple new steam and diesel choices

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  • First want to say thanks for the mods that are already available. The vehicles offered by the developer seem woefully lacking across the board. I've added quite a few already.

    I'm in the US so I'm more familiar with US offerings vs Europe. Early to mid game in the US DLC needs more train options.

    Below are the key trains I feel are needed due to their popularity and abilities in the USA. I assembled stats for each one.

    Both the Baldwin class 56 "Consolidation" and the Mikado are more intended for freight, not passenger service so key passenger locos are missing from the lineup.

    4-4-2 Atlantic type

    Build 1894-1914

    power 442kw


    top speed 90km

    weight 150t

    lifespan 30y

    price $600,000

    run cost $400,000


    4-6-2 Pacific Class K

    Build 1910-1929

    power 1780kw


    top speed 110km

    weight 200t

    life 30y

    price $895,000

    run cost $547,000


    Then a key streamliner diesel icon is the EMD F units anywhere from the FTs on to the FL9s that remained in service into the 21st century. They outsold the Alco PAs and were more reliable than the Alcos too. So i dont understand why the developer didnt use the F units.

    EMD F-unit A+B

    Build 1939-1956

    power 2,200 kw (A unit 1,100)

    trac 470kn(A unit 235)

    top speed 165kph

    weight 230t (A unit 115)

    life 45y

    price$2,200,000 (A unit $1,400,000)

    run cost$900,000(A unit $600,000)


    If anyone is willing to work on those 3 trains, especially the EMD F units. I would be very happy!!

    Additionally, the Alco should be cost adjusted. Running cost is way too high in comparison to the steam locos at the time. Diesel was cheaper and easier to run than their steam cousins otherwise companies would have never had reason to switch away from steam. So for anyone wanting to use the vehicle editor these costs would be closer to accurate.

    Alco PA/B

    Run cost $1,000,000 (A unit $700,000)
