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Wir begrüßen euch in der Fan-Community zu den Spielen Transport Fever und Train Fever, den Wirtschaftssimulatoren von Urban Games. Die Community steht euch kostenlos zur Verfügung damit ihr euch über das Spiel austauschen und informieren könnt. Wir pflegen hier einen freundlichen und sachlichen Umgang untereinander und unser Team steht euch in allen Fragen gerne beiseite.


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  • Hello all...

    FYI...for those in the USA (and maybe other countries...I'm not sure there tho)...it has always been a frustration to know I was missing so much in the forums, and other site pages, because I was not able to understand German. And doing a paragraph-by-paragraph translation was very time-consuming.


    Using Microsoft Edge as your browser, you can install their translation extension app and then you may set it up to automatically translate the page you are viewing.

    FINALLY...being able to read anything on this site with ease is very cool.

    Thank you bill Gates...smiles.


  • That is a useful tip, indeed.

    As far as I know, Chrome translates fairly well, but the translation has to be activated once - meaning it does not translate automatically.
    However I'm pretty sure the whole sites stays translated even while navigating.
    (For those people who have personal issues with edge, I know there are a few.)

    Lg, YstlDystl

  • I can understand the issues with edge...I also have a few concerning how Edge will not work with Norton Antivirus full protection.

    But in this case, I will overlook the issues if I can more easily read the forum posts, since i rarely read posts because of all the hoops one needed to jump through before.

  • Does that translator automatically translate every page you go to?

    That is what I like about the Edge app...it will translate real time as you are browsing pages. You open a page in German and in a couple seconds, the page is translated. Sometimes the translation is broken, but for me, it is certainly understandable.

    This coming from the USA...where other country languages are not really dealt with in our education system.

    I hate that attitude...that the rest of the world should be able to speak English. So rude!

  • Chrome was (one of) the first to integrate translation, based of course on Google translate.
    It is seamlessly integrated with the browser, takes less then a second to update every new page to the selected language.
    You almost don't notice the translation progress - besides the quality of the translation of course ;)

  • Since we got Microsoft Word years ago it started to ruin all local languages in the world. Beginning with it's auto correction up to software translated web pages now.
    Beside the broken grammar and none sense sentences, we going to change our understanding.
    Germany even made changes of the good old German language to align with the american way of speaking. it's called 'neue Rechtschreibung' and became ridiculous in the eyes of people who know the times before.
    Btw. i prefer the good old Oxford English.

    Anyway, i've never seen a trustable translated text produced by any translation software.
    Grammar, idioms, special words, etc all missing, ignored or wrong up to misleaded understanding or content.
    Fireweapon is not 'Feuerwaffe' in German, it's still 'Schusswaffe'.
    The German fireworkers dont go around with 'Feuerwagen'.
    This happened in Greek mystery but not here...

    It may take some more years to get this really under control.
    The earth turns around the sun, not around USA. A direct human translation from Dutch to German or Hungarian to Czech or whatever language else is always better than software based translation by today.

    Some programmer told me that all sw based translations are going over english. Means it translates a russian text into american english first and in second step into the taget language.
    I'm not sure if this is the truth, but the results make it easiy to believe so.

    PS: the most spoken language in the world is:
    ....right, Mandarin -- think about 8o
