Underground train station?

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  • Hi,

    I've recently been playing in a rather populous urbanized map and that has caused me, to put it gently, inspired to be discontent with the intra-city transport options in the default game. Buses have low capacity and get stuck in the gridlocked traffic too much, trams are too big to be sharing the road with everything else (if only we have separate tram tracks), and proper heavy rail isn't so bad but requires stations with a huge footprint. Or does it? As shown in one of the preview dev log videos, stations can be modded to spawn in all kinds of configurations and layouts. What about a subway entrance that snaps onto roads like a regular bus stop, but which has a full train station underneath? With little effort and imagination, you could set up some subway-esque networks like that. The stations wouldn't even have to be pretty, because unless you spend a ton of time in the first person mode, the above-ground entrance would be the only thing you could actually see.

  • There might be a chance to actually get this. Expert modders are working on this, but the chance of failing or hitting some serious game incapacity still exists.

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