Trolleybus wires

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  • I know this has been brought up a few times before, but I'm still curious if it's now possible to create actual Trolleybus wires for Transport Fever. Train fever had a mod that adds the wires, but it's only 1 cable, since making 2 was impossible, because people said it was hardcoded. I wonder if it's also hardcoded in Transport Fever, and if there is some way to mess with the files to allow custom wire models. Also, is it possible to maybe create your own wire models, then turn them into a mod? I really want Trolleybuses for this game, as it's something this game lacks, and it's one of the coolest vehicle types out there. Such a mod would probably be enjoyed by lots of people. So is possible to make your own model for the wires/edit the files of the existing one (the only file for the Tram Cables I've found is an mtl file)? Thanks.
