Beiträge von oppie

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    Heh, looks like my timing on releasing my version of the ICNG was a bit unfortunate since yours seems to be so far along; in any case I had no idea anyone else was working on it (and to such detail) otherwise I might not even have bothered.

    I mainly made it because some people have asked me for it and it seemed like nice practice to get back into modding and 3d modeling. I'll readily agree that it's far from the best model I've ever made so I fully understand anyone who'll prefer yours over mine. Of course I did not intend on stealing anyone's thunder.

    Klasse werk weer Oppie!
    Wat is je volgende project??
    Wellicht een idee als je tijd over hebt om met jou hulp de VIRM "Regiorunner" en SGMm "Sprinter" te voorzien van deuraniamties?

    Sadly that is not possible without modifying SpoorObjecten's original models or making my own.

    In the meantime I've been working on another train based on the 'streamline' design; DE2 also known as the "blue angel" (although this is the red livery, I'm also making it in the original blue and the Plan X modernized version)
    [Blockierte Grafik:]

    @oppie, very nice job! love all your NS work alot so far! What's you next move? Pauze? :P

    Heh, I'll probably be taking a break soon (I won't have as much time to work on train models), but in the mean time I might as well work on another project. Once again I'm moving a bit further back into the past - this time it's Mat '34, also known as DE3 (

    [Blockierte Grafik:]

    Thanks everyone! After almost a week of tweaking the station is almost ready for release. There are still a few (minor) things I have to fix, but I will hopefully be able to release the first version by tomorrow. It will be available in all three platform lengths. Additions since the previous versions include the little shelters that will be on the middle platforms.

    [Blockierte Grafik:]

    A thing that I added almost as an afterthought is a little 'extension' to the road that connects up to the station; it always annoyed me how that just abruptly ends on the default ones, so I added a little bit of parking space there.

    I sent an email to Basil Weber as Xanos suggested and he explained it perfectly to me; the personNodes number 5 means that the 6th (it's a zero-based index) node in the path list is the node where passengers 'enter' the station. Secondly, the edges is another zero-based index that indicates which path segments passengers can stand along. You could think of it as the following example explains:

    (edge 0) { { 0, 3.0, 1.5 } (node 0), { -20, 1.0, 1.5 } (node 1), { .0, -1, .0 }, { .0, -1, .0 }, 1.5 }
    (edge 1) { { -20.0, 1.0, 1.5 } (node 2), { -20, 3.0, 1.5 }(node 3), { .0, -1, .0 }, { .0, -1, .0 }, 1.5 }

    Also, another thing that I discovered is that it does matter which order the nodes are in; all path segments are effectively one-way; meaning that they have to be built in the direction that people will walk when they enter the station. Keeping all of this in mind, I'm making progress slowly, but at least my passengers are already taking the walk bridge to the second platform.


    btw, are you the same Oppie that was/is in the Lomo forums?

    I am! I've been modding for SimCity 4, LoMo, SimCity and now Train Fever... strangely I always end up with a lot of Dutch trains. :P

    For the past few days I've been working on a new train station type; I thought it might be a nice idea to have a station to go with my Dutch trains, and after a weekend of work I think I've got the graphics side of things pretty much done. I've always liked the idea of having a bridge over the tracks instead of the weirdly two-dimensional underpass. Luckily, graphically this was fairly easy to accomplish.

    [Blockierte Grafik:]

    What I didn't count on however was that the creation of paths for people to walk on is a whole different story. I've managed to create one for the entry ramp, but every small change keeps breaking the design and I'm debating whether or not I should wait for a tool to draw them; it's just that frustrating.

    To illustrate, every part of the station (which has many different little parts for platform pieces) has data like this:

    -- eingang
                            { { -20.0, 3.0, 1.5 },  { -20, 1.0, 1.5 },     { .0, -1, .0 },{ .0, -1, .0 },        1.5 },
                            -- links
                            {  { -14.0, 0.0, .744 }, { -20.0, 0.0, .744 },    { -1.0, .0, .0 }, { -1.0, .0, .0 },        3.0 },
                            { { -14.0, -1.0, .744 }, { -14.0, 0.0, .744 },     { 0.0, -1.0, .0 }, { 0.0, -1.0, .0 },    1.5 },
                            { { -14.0, -1.0, .744 }, { -9.0, -1.0, .744 },     { 20.0, .0, .0 }, { 20.0, .0, .0 },        1.5 },

    Every line defines one segment of path, where the beginning of one segment has to be the same as the end of another, which will then create a path for people to take. However, since every path is relative to its own mdl file, it gets very complicated trying to figure out what belongs where. Also, does anyone have an idea of how the following lines should be interpreted?

    terminals = {
                    { personNodes = { 5 }, personEdges = { 3, 7 } }

    I usually spend more time on the textures than I do on the model. For example, I never model any of the windows or doors (well, I model those to make them 'openable', but after I finish the texture). I then UV map rough planes for both sides, the roof, and if possible the front and the back. I try to get a balance between an accurate model and one that's easy to texture; since the inside isn't visible anyway, the windows can just be simple textures. The same goes for shallow panels and grates; modeling them might look better but it's a lot of work for little gain.

    Wow SpoorObjecten, that's extremely impressive! My models aren't even nearly as accurate as yours - partially to keep the polycount low and partially because I'm not skilled enough to do it without having to spend weeks and weeks on the model. I think the nose of my Plan V came out accurately enough though; as you can see the angles are quite similar to yours. Usually I try to use technical drawings as a reference to make sure that I at least get the general shapes of the trains right. Speaking of which; where do you get your technical drawings? The ones that I have are pretty bad scans.

    [Blockierte Grafik:]

    I agree that the file structure is way too cumbersome to work with right now. Especially on the ICR, getting all the files for the doors ready and rigged up was very frustrating. I would work on such a tool myself (I built my own very basic exporter/importer), but I've also been told that the devs themselves are working on mod tools - and I don't want to spend ages programming only to have the official tools making them obsolete.

    Next on my list; "Plan V" (mat '64), a commuter train from the sixties that is still being used today, and an iconic fixture in the Dutch landscape. I'll probably also be making "Plan T", the 4-wagon version of this train.

    [Blockierte Grafik:]

    oppie: Are you also making the yellow/red benelux version for your ICR units? Also, can I add you on steam? ;-)

    I want to do more different variants for my trains (including the Benelux versions), but I feel like I first need to streamline my creation process - currently it's such a mess with all the different text files all over the place that I need to keep track of. My steam name is oppiescc; feel free to add me.

    An update on the 1600; I'm finishing up the diffuse map texture for the main vehicle body. The only thing that's missing is the windshield wipers. After that comes the normal map, for which I still have to tweak some stuff in my own importer tool. The last part is creating custom bogies - currently I'm still using the ones from the vehicle this is based on, which has a three-axle bogie, so pay no attention to that. I also raised the pantograph so that it actually touches the wires.

    [Blockierte Grafik:]