Beiträge von Cadoras

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    The Bentheimer will be made as well, was already planned. But first the EBW-one. Deary me, I always hesitate when
    working with yellow. It's so loud....

    And that blasted logo - nowhere can it be found on the internet, at least not that big that it can be used properly
    on my 4K repaints. So, I just had to make one from f*cking scratch. It's those kind of "sidequests" that can make some
    repaints a tad tedious. But in the end, the extra detail does make the difference.

    And the finished result (weathered state):

    As seen with the picture provided by Licaon, my version differs slightly. Partly due to my inspiration being a different version, partly
    due to modellimitations. But the old veteran looks rough & ready for some gruntwork.

    After a lengthy pause with a couple of new games to play, as well as being raped by workobligations, I'm finally on
    vacation. A home-vacation however, with just my kids at the moment. So, when they sleep - things start to happen...

    First the V200 project must be finished! The IMOTRANS was the last to finish, next up the RTS one is in the works.
    Progress so far:

    The placement of the graphics are somewhat different from the original, due to modellimitations (mirroring), but as
    far as I'm concerned it is not obvious at all.

    The EBW and RTS is already in the works. The Algerian looks interesting as well...
    This the current project:

    I am, however, doubting how to release these ones. Should I:

    1. release them all separately
    2. release one big pack with several German privateers?

    Haha! Done. As we speak I'm raping Grimes his PM-box with a sh*tload of textures. The new adjustments are in place and
    it looks fine & dandy, an overview:

    In the modelviewer, with the overkill of light, the changes to the "Triebkopf" can be seen more clearly. An engineroom has been added for example.
    Those details however, are less visible ingame with the more realistic (directional) lighting.

    And as far as I know, the last - noteworthy - variant I can make, the "blue line":

    I know there are other slight variants, but those I deem to less different. We now have the two prototypes, the pre-1970 blue line,
    the post 1970 standard and a special "Ernst Thälmann" edition. It will suffice I presume.

    Grimes is busy changing a few bits to the model, which will require me to change/add some textures. So, in not too long a time, release
    is coming closer!

    And voilá, the Ernst Thälmann in full glory (weathered state):

    EDIT: Repaintmode on fire, next version in the tubes, the VT 18.16.01:

    Because there are slight model differences, the paintscheme can't be made 100% accurate. But as usual, I aim for the "close enough"

    Finally, the first concept is done and been sent to the Boss! Like I said before, the weathering on this one will be relatively minimal.
    From a distance it will not be very noticable - it is when you zoom in that the decay will reveal itself. Nevertheless, a few spoilers:

    And a small GIF:

    Just a little update, just to show I'm still alive. Main progress made on the first wagon:

    Just like the "Triebkopf" everything has to be done from scratch. Furthermore all the
    lines have to match up perfectly along the train and that can be quite a b*tch. More
    accurate: it was a b*tch. Even the most professionally made models will have (very)
    slight offsets in their dimensions, especially when curvature is included. That means
    almost always things will not perfectly align themselves.

    A good thing: when this wagon is done, the other wagon will be a dawdle - so things
    are moving on.

    Another day, another update. I've expanded the weathering and I think it's about done now. At least, further finetuning would be useless: now the wagons have to be painted, otherwise one tends to overdo weathering on a singel piece of the train. It has to look good combined. So, enough weathering - for now. This is how it looks:


    And on we go! Next step, a proper dirt skin. Normally (and especially with freighttrains) I weather them quite heavily. Locomotives at the end of their lifespan should look absolutely used up. But in this case, the Karlex being one of the "showhorses" of the DR, it never looked absolutely nackered (only for some after the reunion). So, in my opinion, the aging should be a bit softer and lighter then usual. But still, it has to look like it has seen plenty of service and years. This is what I came up with (GIF):

    The colors will fade over the years and dirt will gradually cover up the locomotive - especially at windows, vents, stacks and raingunnels - and corrosion in some places. Now, at least as far as I'm concerned, it looks properly
    used and has an aged feel to it.