Beiträge von Izib

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    Set t.catenaryPoleDistance = 70.0, that's the default distance between poles for straight track, the other values only modify this under specific conditions. So thats the value you actually want to set if you want a default distance of 70 m.

    t.catenaryMaxPoleDistanceFactor = 2.0 Is how far over the default the poles will be placed when something is in the way, for example when there's a diverging track. In this case upto 2x the default distance, but it's highly unlikely that a junction will force the poles that far apart.

    t.catenaryMinPoleDistanceFactor = 0.8 Is how much closer they'll get on curves to keep the wires over the track centre, since you're setting the default so high, you'll probably want to lower this otherwise the wires won't be over the tracks on even moderate curves.

    In my experiments the answer is no unfortunatey, I don't know why because dynamic text based on the signal name shows up in the model editor but not in-game. But you can have text show up on track side objects, so instead you can split the signals lights into a separate model and then add a signal post/frame as a track side object and rename that to have text show up in-game.

    Had a feeling it would be intensive. I suppose the other option is simply an external mod that automatically generates the a re-gauged .mdl files as it's own separate addon, to be enabled only the maps you're working on. But that's literally just an automation of the process of doing it manually.

    But why would you like to regauge trains.

    If you don't want to use the narrow gauge train, why not just use standard gauge.

    Simply to have the looks and feel of different types of railways I guess, which is probably why other gauge track mods exist in the first place. I likewise ask "why? " about the mods that change the catenary height, which seem unnecessary to me but clearly it was the look the creator wanted. Converting Standard trains/wagons is also a quick way to add more variety to builds using other gauges, wagons in particular as there aren't many non-standard gauge wagon mods available.

    In the case of what lead me to ask this thread, I actually wanted to mod a broad gauge network after visiting some countries with broad gauge. Most mainline trains are of similar sizes regardless of gauge, and the TpF2 track allowances are overly large anyway, so converting existing trains and wagons won't look to weird. Currently there aren't any broad gauge mods at all I believe, so I'll have to convert everything I want to use one way or the other. :)

    Is it at all possible to make a Mod that would take all rail vehicles loaded in the game and scale their wheel axles/bogies to different track gauges, purely for aesthetic and schönbau purposes?

    For example, if I were building a map with 1000 mm tracks then I could tell the mod to scale installed rail vehicle axles by Y = 1000/1435 so that they are squeezed and appear to fit onto 1000 mm track. That way any vehicle could be used on the 1000 mm track instead of relying on specifically modded vehicles. Some vehicles might look... "off" or "oversized" regardless, especially on the really small track gauges, but most would look fine. Excepting steam locos, those always look wrong because the wheels are set into the model instead of being on bogies.

    A more advanced version of such a mod could perhaps generate an alternate vehicle variant in the different gauge instead of replacing the original one.

    Currently when I want to play with different track gauges, I manually do this insted by creating a personal mod and copying in the .mdl files of the vehicles I want to use. And then I manually change the scaling on the bogies/axles meshes to make them bigger/smaller for every vehicle I want to use on the non-standard track gauge, and then if I want to use another vehicle when playing I quit the game then add another edited .mdl file and so on. I imagine this could be automated by a script to include all installed vehicles or a selection of vehicles, even if it's clunky and results in some trains looking weird, but scripting is not a modding skill I'm proficient in unfortunately, so I thought I'd ask for some guidance. :)

    Oh yeah, if UG were going to change just one thing about signalling adding construction menu functionality would be my top pick, givenhow currently every variation of a signal placement exponentially increases the menu size. If you could move the signals' placement around with the construction menu, then you could possibly "fake" branching signals by placing the signals/waypoints behind the junction but moving the meshes to overlap in front of the junction so only the branch taken is shown, which I've messed around with under the current system, but you need perfectly straight tracks and the menu bloats more.
    But even more importantly then you could have both right and left side signals without doubling the entire menu. 😅

    But yes the fact that it's a transport simulation game is why I think the basic functionality should remain just red-green too, maybe UG could add go-slow "yellow" signal, letting the player better space trains out and reduce train clumping on busy tracks. But I wouldn't go further than that, it's not the type of game it is. Anything else would ideally just be cosmetic and mainly for the modding community, like all the changes UGmade to the track and catenary placement configuration, purely cosmetic and no effect on gameplay, but it added both great flavour to the base game (much better catenary spacing) and made so many great track mods more feasible.

    I thought I'd found a way to cheat the signalling animations to add some more cosmetic flavour, adding more liveliness to signals without changing core gameplay, which to me is actually the ideal. Then I realised it wouldn't work, then I had another idea and tried a few times again over the last few months. Then I realised I hadn't even written down what I was even doing so I made a diagram for fun and for the challenge. 🙂

    I get your point. The absence of the construction menu for signals still is my most frustrating point in creating signals. However, The timings you describe could be "faked" by creating a really timely animation for the "RED" state, all the way up (like in your second pic) but only for specific aspects, not like if x-time has passed then this yellow aspected, else this etc..

    You can also fake it on WAYPOINTs pretty sensibly too, since trains never stop at waypoints so you won't have a train waiting at a RED "Yellow" signal. And because waypoints turn GREEN as soon as a train has the entire path cleared so if they're far enough away they can cycle through all the GREEN aspects as well (since most Signals only stay GREEN for a few seconds).
    You can have a waypoint go RED = R>Y(>Y2>Y3...) then GREEN = ...Y>G. And since they're waypoints you can just chuck them down wherever for the looks, make it look like your route is densely signalled without affecting the simulation.

    I also thought about the having a WAYPOINT placed directly in-front of a SIGNAL, so that their meshes directly overlap with the waypoint's lights only being shown when the Signal it's "in-front of" turns GREEN and stops covering the Waypoint light. Because it's between the previous signal and the next signal, waypoint turns GREEN and starts to go through its animations as soon as a train passes the previous signal. But it would mean that if your signals are closely space you'd only see the restrictive aspects and vice versa.

    Hallo HansVader, ich habe beide mods erfolgreich konvertiert. Vielen Dank für deine Arbeit und die tolle Anleitung. Was mich stört ist wie die LEDs auf den Signalen Typ N aussehen wenn man ein wenig davon wegzoomt. Ich gehe davon aus, dass es damit zu tun hat, dass TF2 das erste Spiel der Reihe ist, dass "Licht" kennt. Weisst du wie ich das anpassen muss, damit es nicht so komisch aussieht?

    Just in case you haven't fixed this problem yet, it's because the textures have white backgrounds. Since I started playing around with these converted Typ N Signals recently (as I think SBB Typ N are of the most modern looking signalling systems, so elegantly simple yet such expansive functionality✨) I noticed the issue a few days ago, so here's a set of corrected textures to use as a stop gap if you still need them. 🙂

    Just copy the .tga files into the \res\textures\models\railroad\signal_sbb_typ_n and replace the older ones

    You can't add illumination to the digits though because of the way they were made for tpf 1 Ibelieve, so they look a bit dull unfortunately. That would require re-doing the mod to fix.

    Entschuldigung für das Englisch, ich vertraue meinem Deutsch mit einem "technisches Gespräch" nicth zu... und einem normales Gespräch auch

    I mainly just wanted to made these diagrams for art practice, since it's a strange concept that I wanted to try conveying by picture. But since I made them anyway I figured I'd revisit this thread and share them here to explain what my weird idea was that prompted this thread.

    While there's no way to add functional dynamic signal aspects, I thought I could manipulate the signal animation events to create a cosmetic illusion of one. Basically, if an animation event could be triggered to reset every time the signal started a new Red state, then you could effectively use that as a timer since the last train passed. And then you could have the signal animate through different events based on how long it was since the last train passed to simulate

    dynamic signal aspects. This animation would be covered behind a mesh that keeps the signal showing red, and then revealed when the signal went green again. Or in the case of waypoint it could just be displayed like a distant signal since trains don't stop before waypoints.

    It doesn't work though because there's no way to have a red animation persist when the signal turns green. And even though signal "red/green" events override the "forever" animation event, there's no way to tell the "forever" animation to restart the loop, so effectively all it does is randomise the signal aspects. UG would need to add another signal animation event that only plays once and then re-starts from the beginning every time it's interrupted (ideally by a Red signal event), in order for a signal to show a different aspect based on how long it was since the last train passed.

    It's a shame it's not possible given how important signals are to railways and how much more vibrant even non-functional dynamic signal aspects would make the game, compared to how static and rigid the current modding possibilities are, not to mention how much they bloat the menus. Any modding improvements to signals would be welcome.

    Or Alternatively, a modder much more clever than I could figure out how to script an object that plays an animation that restarts every time a train goes by. Wouldn't even need to be a signal object too, you could just place an "invisible signal" next to the the object to stop a train on red. But after looking into this for a months I suspect it's not possible, just like with most ideas for mods to signals. :)

    Yep, the trams travel on the left hand side and travel down the middle too, all the roads are flipped and everything works correctly except for the middle tram stops. The stops even work as a tram stop when there is a tram line in the outermost lane regardless of the type of road, it's only when trying to place stops on the middle track that they don't work (see left hand mode test screenshot below)

    In a completely fresh test game without left hand traffic, it all works fine middle tram stops and everything else. I had been using it fine since October, so I didn't think it would be an issue at first since it just flips the lanes, it was only testing the stops that I noticed it wasn't working. I'm also now using the latest versions of Common API (20221120) and Rasengleis Strassenpaket (20221030), though the issue with the left hand middle tram stops still occurs even on the older versions, I only upgraded to the latest versions today while testing.

    Thanks for the response

    Hallo, many thanks for the work this must've taken!

    I recently started a new game using the "Left hand Traffic" mod since UG seemingly patched out bugs that affected it. Unfortunately the Avenue Middle Trams Stops don't work when "Left hand traffic" is enabled, they only make bus stops on avenues instead of trams stops.

    Is there a script I could change or flip to make the middle trams stops work in left hand mode? Even if it breaks the mod for default right hand traffic saves, since I imagine this isn't a tweak many people would want so I'm happy to manually do it. I've tried looking through the mod files to do it myself, since most mods are made compatible simply inverting the lanes, but I can't see how the middle tram stops work unfortunately.

    Appreciate any help! But in the meantime I'll continue to use the grass tracks to make custom stops instead :)

    Also, I have Flexistreets and New Events enabled, the mod works fine on its own including Middle Tram stops. Even with "Left Hand Traffic" enabled Everything else works fine and is stable, Trams can still travel down the middle avenue tracks, and streets with tram tracks on the side (like grass track, and streets with tracks in the middle and side) still make useable trams stops, it's only middle trams stops which don't work.

    Maybe this helps:

    "idle_red animation is used as a loop while the signal is in 'red' state."


    Unfortunately I can't answer all the rest either.

    Unfortunately the idle_red event stops immediately if the signal switches to green, and signals in close proximity are cleared to green all at once, so I can't use it to vary the animation/lights shown when the signal is green. The forever event plays when there's no other overriding animation for a mesh, so that can be played through a green signal if a mesh doesn't have a "green" or "idle_green" event specified. But there's no way to force the forever loop to restart, it seemingly keeps track of the animation even when it's overridden by another animation event. Really all I needed is a non-looping version of the forever event that plays from the start when a mesh has no other animations to play, but it doesn't exist because such animations are usually incorporated into other events.

    The having track side constructions being able to use signal animations is really just about not needing to make a different signal/waypoint for every single possible variation of trackside equipment, and being able to use the construction parameters instead to make things more intuitive and not bloat the menu.

    Hallo Zusammen!

    I've been trying my hand at Signalling modding, and the limitation of the base game has been extremely frustrating. So I'm wondering if anyone with more scripting and modding experience with the extensions knows whether there's any way to emulate the signal animations or whether I'm just stuck.

    Is it at all possible to script an animation to play just once after a train goes by, restarting every time another train passes?
    Even if it's not an actual signal/waypoint and just an object with scripting, basically like how the "Red" Animation event plays once the train passes except I want it to keep playing while the signal is Green and then start again from the beginning after the next train goes past and returns to red.

    I thought I had discovered a way to emulate more complex Signalling by having a short "Red" animation play, and then letting the "Forever" Animation run through successive Signal Aspects, effectively counting how long it was since a train passed. But it doesn't work because the "Forever" event doesn't restart even when interrupted, it only works as a signal randomiser showing a random signal aspect depending on where in the loop the animation is. If there's any way to script this or use an extension to have an object animation play after a signal goes red without it stopping when the signal goes green, I could still implement my original idea.

    Otherwise is there any way to script a trackside construction to trigger signal animations? Even if it's just an animation and doesn't function like a waypoint/signal?

    The fact that waypoints and signals don't have access to the Constructions customisation options is also a huge pain, even if they being able to place objects that have animations triggered by approaching trains would be very useful, allowing faux signals that can be altered by the construction interface instead of having a different signal for every single variation. I know there are a few mods that place constructions that display the arrival times of incoming trains at stations, but they're pretty performance heavy.

    I expect that the system is just too hard coded and that I won't be able to implement some of my models. But I've spent a few weeks trying to look for a work-around and haven't found anything, so at this point knowing for sure would be a relief as I could focus on a sub-standard alternative using waypoints to emulate more complex signalling.

    Thanks for any help!

    All sorted thankyou! On my windows 7 system I got a different error message from before, as below.
    Apparently my Visual C++ wasn't installed correctly on both systems and I needed the x86 version as well, I wouldn't have been able to find this problem without your error message though so thanks!


    So I still haven't noticed any change, no new messages either just the same as shown below.
    I've tried running the programs from their own isolated folder with the same result and I've also tried pretty much every file format as well. There must be something fundamental missing from both of my systems or I'm utilising it wrong, either way it's probably an issue on my end if no one else is having problems.

    Windows 10 64 bit on one system and 7 64 bit on the other, both have the same issue. Currently I extract the applications and the dlls to same folder and attempt to run the workshop, it opens fine and I can manipulate the empty display section but it will crash when attempting to load any type of file like so.

    Are there any installation requirements or additional scripts necessary for the TpFMC or TpFWorkshop to function? Currently the workshop crashes when I try to load any files, or if I drag and drop into either I get the message ["the file" doesn't exist!].
    I've tried on both of my systems using the latest version 0.8.