Signal/Waypoint naming

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  • Hi

    I was wondering if anyone knew whether it is possible to have the name of a signal/waypoint show up as text on the model. Have tried using the lable function to do it with no luck.

  • In my experiments the answer is no unfortunatey, I don't know why because dynamic text based on the signal name shows up in the model editor but not in-game. But you can have text show up on track side objects, so instead you can split the signals lights into a separate model and then add a signal post/frame as a track side object and rename that to have text show up in-game.

  • The internal bound tranformator for signals may not support labels.

    Or in other words, If I remember correctly only constructions and vehicle models support label Texts from a code standpoint.

    A transformator is responsible to add text and animation/animation state support. For a signal "thing" a special transformator selects the signal red/green animation state...

  • Thanks for the answers.

    Another thing is how do you prevent track from becoming station modules?

    The wiki had a section on it but I have no idea how to implement it.
