Potential Mod to Automatically Re-Scale Rail Vehicle Axels & Bogies to different Track Widths?

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  • Is it at all possible to make a Mod that would take all rail vehicles loaded in the game and scale their wheel axles/bogies to different track gauges, purely for aesthetic and schönbau purposes?

    For example, if I were building a map with 1000 mm tracks then I could tell the mod to scale installed rail vehicle axles by Y = 1000/1435 so that they are squeezed and appear to fit onto 1000 mm track. That way any vehicle could be used on the 1000 mm track instead of relying on specifically modded vehicles. Some vehicles might look... "off" or "oversized" regardless, especially on the really small track gauges, but most would look fine. Excepting steam locos, those always look wrong because the wheels are set into the model instead of being on bogies.

    A more advanced version of such a mod could perhaps generate an alternate vehicle variant in the different gauge instead of replacing the original one.

    Currently when I want to play with different track gauges, I manually do this insted by creating a personal mod and copying in the .mdl files of the vehicles I want to use. And then I manually change the scaling on the bogies/axles meshes to make them bigger/smaller for every vehicle I want to use on the non-standard track gauge, and then if I want to use another vehicle when playing I quit the game then add another edited .mdl file and so on. I imagine this could be automated by a script to include all installed vehicles or a selection of vehicles, even if it's clunky and results in some trains looking weird, but scripting is not a modding skill I'm proficient in unfortunately, so I thought I'd ask for some guidance. :)

  • It might be possible, but pretty complicated and resource demanding, as it would need to be done for all vehicle when the save game is loaded.

    But why would you like to regauge trains.

    If you don't want to use the narrow gauge train, why not just use standard gauge.

    The vanilla tracks have narrow gauge radii anyway

  • Had a feeling it would be intensive. I suppose the other option is simply an external mod that automatically generates the a re-gauged .mdl files as it's own separate addon, to be enabled only the maps you're working on. But that's literally just an automation of the process of doing it manually.

    But why would you like to regauge trains.

    If you don't want to use the narrow gauge train, why not just use standard gauge.

    Simply to have the looks and feel of different types of railways I guess, which is probably why other gauge track mods exist in the first place. I likewise ask "why? " about the mods that change the catenary height, which seem unnecessary to me but clearly it was the look the creator wanted. Converting Standard trains/wagons is also a quick way to add more variety to builds using other gauges, wagons in particular as there aren't many non-standard gauge wagon mods available.

    In the case of what lead me to ask this thread, I actually wanted to mod a broad gauge network after visiting some countries with broad gauge. Most mainline trains are of similar sizes regardless of gauge, and the TpF2 track allowances are overly large anyway, so converting existing trains and wagons won't look to weird. Currently there aren't any broad gauge mods at all I believe, so I'll have to convert everything I want to use one way or the other. :)
