Beiträge von Anachron13

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    Ok. I understand the logic in "real life" but isn't it counterproductive in terme of game balance? I mean a loc with a bad power/weight ratio is already less interesting because they have less excess power. It seems to me that if they also cost more they become almost useless in term of gameplay (as they would irl actually ;)).

    I will try to translate the formula as i don't understand it in german to see if i can think about something that may help you with multiple units.

    Hello again,

    Sorry for the double post but as the previous one is 9 hours old i prefer to do a new one.

    I have been thinking a bit about it, and i'm pretty sure that removing the weight from the equation would solve your problem with EMU. Most recent EMU have multiple powered boggies instead of all the power on the loc. Which mean that the price will skyrocket because the "power/weight" ratio will always be bad as the weight of the whole train will be taken into account. Anyway i don't think the engine on a lighter loc will be less working than on an heavy loc, because the extra available power on the former will probably be used to add more weight on tow.

    On the other hand it may be interesting to take into account the availability date. It seems to me that modern trains tend to not necessarily be more powerfull but to be more cost effective. It probably should not be linear but the maintenance price by kw should start to slowly decrease around the 90s or 2000 (totally made up numbers :)). It would then be an incentive for players to replace a 6400kw Eurosprinter by a 6400 kw Vectron made 10 years later, for example.


    I didn't have time for a full test but just two thing that i notice, why in the attached screen the BB26000 cost 697k/year vs 707k/year for the BB7200 which is less powerful, less tractive effort, and same max speed?

    It seems to me that high speed trains will be unusable with the current formula, i have a TGV with a cost of 10M/year. Seems a bit over the top :)

    Edit : about the high speed train, you shoud cap the max speed in your formula. Some mod may have a max speed above 300km/h even if the track doesn't allow to go faster.

    RABDe 500 ICN (Versuch 2) Wunsch:
    Alle Betatester
    Kann ich bitte och etwas mehr feedback haben? Ich bitt dringend darum momentan habe ich genau 1 Feedback erhalten, ganz offensichtlich funktioniert der ICN bei einigen auch noch nicht so wie er solte, ohne Infos dazu kann ich da aber nichts machen ich kann immer nur das beheben was auf meinem System nicht richtig läuft, und dass sind leider bei weitem nicht alle Fehler. Also nochmal schaut euch doch wenigstens den ICN kurz an die meisten von euch haben ja nicht einmal die letzten 3 oder 4 versionen getestet, einige haben noch nicht einmal das Modell (Versuch 2 je getestet dass locker seit 2 Monaten immer wieder erwitert und geupdatet wurde)

    Ich bin etwas entäuscht um ehrlich zu sein. Danke aber an die Fleissigen immer gleichen Kandidaten, die mir entgegenkommen und noch interesse an diesem Projekt zeigen.

    Ich kanns sonst auch einfach so releasen allerdings möchte ich eigentlich lieber ein stabiles Produkt zum Download bereitstellen können und da seid numal IHR gefragt da kann ich nur soviel tun wie meine Augen eben weit sehen. Mit eurer Unterstützung könnte ich sooviel mehr erreichen

    Danke !
    Ausserdem falls jemand sich dem Test anschliessen will (aber bitte dann auch wirklich testen !!) kann er hier gerne antworten oder mir eine pn schreiben und ich füge diese Person hinzu.


    Sorry i don't really speak german so i will respond in English. As i don't really know the real RABDe 500 ICN i can't help you to check the accuracy of the model, but if you need some more testers for stability/performance/visual issues, i can help you if you want. Obviously the feedback would be in English ;) I can also translate the description in French if it's not already done and you want to add other languages to your mod.

    And from the few screenshots from the thread, nice work !


    I'm working on a SNCF Z8100/RATP Mi79.

    The Z8100 is an EMU used on line B of the Paris suburbs Regional Express Network (RER B). The trains are operated by the SNCF under the name Z8100 and by the RATP under the name MI79. Introduced in 1980 and currently under renovation, they have a capacity of 850 passengers by unit and can be used in EMU2 for a total capacity of 1700 passengers.

    Technical data :
    Power (25kv) : 2824kW
    Tractive effort : 270 kN
    Operating Mass : 208 t
    Max Speed : 140 km/h
    For more informations : (german) / (french)

    I will probably start with the original livery as i have access to better photos, and will see next for the renovated one.

    Edit : The mod has been released : SNCF Z8100/RATP MI79