Beiträge von Anachron13

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    @Enzojz : I don't understand what you where trying to say about the uv and the game (On peut parler français si tu préfères).

    The uv map is still wrong in the preview windows with the last version (exact same). Btw the output windows has a warning about the FBX file being in a newer unsupported version.

    Added a screenshot when you can see that the uv seems to be applied without logic, with texture applied with a different scale to different pieces without logic. I have left the output in the screen if there is something that can help.

    Edit again : I think you broke something when adding the texture preview, the texture where properly applied ig after converting the msh with the last version before you added texture (see my post n°35 and 37), but now it doesn't work at all, and the result is different from the preview (i only exported the body).

    I finally got the logo to work. So while it's easier for blender users to use the blender plugin, thanks to you, we know have a solution for proper logo support that does not involve hex editor :thumbsup:

    @Enzojz : There seems to be an issue with manual rotation. As you can see from rotation behavior screenshots, i just added -90 in the X Roll Rotations transform, and for some reason i end with a weird angle (it become -5156.62 in the model transforms block).


    I tried to use your converter from a blender model without success so far. I exported into fbx format my model, but when i try to import it into the converter, it just crash :

    @dampf19 : what you are describing would make the use of any main lines train like the ICE useless from a gameplay perspective. While an ICE can do anything, there would be no point from a economic perspective to use it on short line where it can't go to it's full speed, and you will end up using only fast accelerating commuters trains. I mean why would i use a high speed train with a five time higher maintenance cost instead of a commuter when said high speed train can't even reach is max speed and will probably take as much time if not more than the rapid accelerating commuter to do the trip?

    I think the issue here is that there is two type of players in this game, people like you and @fido who seems more interested in the "model railway" side of the game and don't care to use non optimal trains on a line as long as it look real, while other players (more like me) are more interested in the managing part of the game and optimizing lines but don't care about realistic acceleration. I'm not saying that one is more right than the other here.

    The only way i see to have everyone happy would be to have some sort of option between "real" acceleration/braking values or "gameplay" values.

    I don't think realistic values can work without taking into account the scale of the map. A TGV Atlantique take something like 12mn (i think around 40km iirc) to reach 300km/h, and *emergency* braking from 300 to 0 take 3.3km (~2mn). Even a regional train like the Z21500 take 10.5km / 4mn30 to reach is max speed (200km/h).
    The problem with braking and acceleration is that while the stations are in 1:1 scale, the global scale of the map is not. Using realistic values without scale will basically make only commuters capable of high acceleration useable ig.

    @Seamon : ok, je me demandais pourquoi tu avais mis 2022. Au grand désespoir des amoureux de ces machines, je pense que tu as été optimiste et que toutes les machines auront disparu cette année. Il ne reste aujourd'hui que 7 BB17000 en service (, 23 BB25500 ( et 3 pauvres BB8500 ( :)

    Hi @Seamon,

    I read your script and you did quite an impressive work to analyze all this mods.
    I noticed for the BB17000 that you wrote "-- Real: 1995 - 2007". It should be 1995-2017 (there is a few still in service - the author is actually driving them). Same for the BB25500 and BB8500.

    If you want real value, the CC6500 from my mod has been retired since 2007. I left out the end of availability date because there is currently no other V200 capable high power engine of the SNCF for TpF (namely the BB26000).

    You also made me notice that i forgot to copy past some seats raw in two model files of the Z21500, if the "real" number in your script is the number of seat passengers can use, it should be 68 for every mdl except the trailer (Z21500R.mdl). I will post an update on steam. Edit : update posted :)

    Bonjour @Le cercle rouge,

    Ton processeur est un AMD E1-6010 plutôt non? C'est un processeur entrée de gamme pour ultra portable qui doit vaguement arriver au niveau du minimum syndical requis pour blender, à savoir un cpu dual core 2Ghz ( Je doute qu'ajouter de la mémoire puisse faire grand chose pour toi, surtout que j'imagine que vu que tu es sur un processeur ultraportable, tu n'as pas non plus de carte graphique dédiée?

    Tu arrives à faire tourner TpF avec cette config ? =O

    Concernant les droits, tu ne devrais pas avoir de soucis tant que tu ne comptes pas vendre ton mod pour ce qui concerne l'objet modélisé. Si par contre tu utilises des photos (pour les textures), sons, etc qui ne sont pas à toi, il faut voir avec les licences ou les auteurs des éléments en question.

    Bonne après midi à toi.


    @SwissCH : you wanted to see France, here we are!

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    Thanks for the information, it will be easier for me now.
    This is not trivial information to get, i didn't now about vertical transformation for exemple when i first tried this plugin, which led me to the erroneous conclusion it was not working properly with TpF after i spend a few hours of tries (i still have a bunch of screens of the funny results i got when the game was not crashing :)). It should probably be added somewhere is the lexicon DDS page.

    Anyway, thanks for the answer and sorry for going a bit of topic :)