Beiträge von GrijzePilion

Willkommen in der Transport Fever Community

Wir begrüßen euch in der Fan-Community zu den Spielen Transport Fever und Train Fever, den Wirtschaftssimulatoren von Urban Games. Die Community steht euch kostenlos zur Verfügung damit ihr euch über das Spiel austauschen und informieren könnt. Wir pflegen hier einen freundlichen und sachlichen Umgang untereinander und unser Team steht euch in allen Fragen gerne beiseite.


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    How will you know? If someone manages to increase the efficiency of steam engines to 65 % for example, they'll be futuristic, because they're suddenly better than all diesel-, otto- or hydrogen-cell engines. Or may gyro-engines recieve a revival. Or there will be a kind of engine that does not exist yet. By the way, all the electric engines for cars or buses are extremely old, they just have a "revival" nowadays: This car is like a Tesla, just with electric motor, built in 1908, this bus from 1912, purely electric. May I should model it, it is swiss :P .

    I don't think you completely understand the essence of futurism - which is, rather than to be futuristic in technology or design, the latter of which is not the case with many of these mods, but to portray something that will be deemed as such by contemporaries.
    Your bus, for example, does not look futuristic. It does not look like any vehicle that will ever be made. It may be futuristic in concept, but it looks rather more like Duplo or Playmobil. The "Galaxy" bus, for example, is futuristic. And it's typically futuristic, by today's standards.
    I'd even go as far as to say that your "Giruno" model from your train pack is more futuristic than either of your "futuristic" vehicles. And, by the way, that's a very nice model of a very good-looking train. So I wonder what your thinking was with your "futuristic" vehicles - especially considering you're always one Google Image search away from hundreds of actually futuristic designs.

    Yes, some of the vehicles do not look futuristic at all. Alex_BY's train is very good, and so is PaTrond's hydrogen locomotive, but a lot of the others are just not futuristic.
    The Galaxy bus looks good too, and @donoteat 's atomic locomotive is cool even though it probably won't qualify because it's not futuristic.

    Not sure. Maybe you can message him on Steam?

    So für alle die mir bei der Beschriftung ein wenig Helfen wollen:
    Ja ich weiß, da is Staub drauf und es fehlen ein paar Teile. Für die Defekte an Papas Modell bin ich damals ausreichend Bestraft worden :P
    Diese Variante hätte ich im Angebot, allerdings sind diese ja ursprünglich aus der DRG Zeit dafür habe ich aber leider nichts gefunden.
    Eventuell hat jemand von euch ein Modell der passenden Zeit oder findet sonst etwas im Internet.
    Würde mich da auf jeden Fall über Unterstützung freuen :)

    Can we please get a version without the markings and logos?

    Fair enough, I like me a bit of retrofuturism too.
    I've been all about the 80s retrofuturism lately - I know it's too recent to be be "real" retrofuturism, but have you ever seen the concept cars of the later 80s (aka every outdoor scene in Demolition Man)? Damn.

    Hmm, strange. I think the scale-adjusted version actually looks better, so I think I'll stick with that.

    And can I hereby request permission to use one of your models for TF? I think the SLT would be quite nice to have. Or maybe the DM90.