Beiträge von Claude

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    void (empty ie.)


    Cargotrams is the only vehicle mod I have downloaded and activated.

    [Blockierte Grafik:]

    I'm usure which 2 mods are declared "not used".

    Activated it as I loaded up a saved game.

    At around 20%, a CTD greeted me.

    modelList.txt was created and is filled in with 6 lines, as below. It's about the only extra vehicles I do have though.

    Q: /SteamLibrary/steamapps/workshop/content/1066780/1958235092/res/models/model/vehicle/tram/be_5_6_cargo.mdl

    Q: /SteamLibrary/steamapps/workshop/content/1066780/1958235092/res/models/model/vehicle/tram/dampftram_cargo.mdl

    Q: /SteamLibrary/steamapps/workshop/content/1066780/1958235092/res/models/model/vehicle/tram/lvs_86_cargo.mdl

    Q: /SteamLibrary/steamapps/workshop/content/1066780/1958235092/res/models/model/vehicle/tram/pcc_1643_cargo.mdl

    Q: /SteamLibrary/steamapps/workshop/content/1066780/1958235092/res/models/model/vehicle/tram/schst_cargo.mdl

    Here's the stdout excerpt:

    error: error: mods / dsd_ModEnum_1 / res / scripts / vehicle_enumeration.lua: 86: attempt to call global 'modelName' (a nil value)

    stack traceback:

    [C] (- 1): modelName

    mods / dsd_ModEnum_1 / res / scripts / vehicle_enumeration.lua (86): getModFolder

    mods / dsd_ModEnum_1 / res / scripts / vehicle_enumeration.lua (120) :?

    MinidumpCallback: dumpPath "C: / Steam / userdata / 66984343/1066780 / local / crash_dump /", minidumpId "e34a3879-327e-406b-bb83-9abe062fa765", succeeded 1

    local time is Sun Feb 23 18:02:20 2020

    Hope it helps

    Hi VacuumTube,

    sorry, it was quite earlate and I pasted the wrong lines.

    I ment that this code, I cannot get to work :

    local IDs = game.interface.getEntities({ radius = 1e100 }, { type = "CONSTRUCTION" })

    for _,id in pairs(IDs) do -- _ for unneeded variable

    commonapi.dmp (game.interface.getEntity (id))

    "commonapi.dmp(), commonapi.dmp()," do work actually, that is by using CommonAPI2's console.

    local TownsId = (game.interface.getTowns ())
    for j = 1, #TownsId do
    local id = TownsId[j]
    print(commonapi.dmp (game.interface.getEntity (id)), commonapi.dmp (game.interface. getTownCapacities (id)), commonapi.dmp (game.interface. getTownCargoSupplyAndLimit(id) ) )


    As for getCargoType, here's what I do get with it :

    print(commonapi.dmp (game.interface.getCargoTypes ())){ "PASSENGERS", "LOGS", "COAL", "IRON_ORE", "STONE", "GRAIN", "CRUDE", "STEEL", "PLANKS", "PLASTIC", "OIL", "CONSTRUCTION_MATERIALS", "MACHINES", "FUEL", "TOOLS", "FOOD", "GOODS" }
    print(commonapi.dmp (game.interface.getCargoType ("PASSENGERS"))){ discreteModels = {}, icon = "ui/hud/cargo_passengers.tga", iconSmall = "", id = "PASSENGERS", levelModels = {}, name = "Passengers", order = 0, townInput = {}, weight = 200 }

    I would like to reiterate that you found how to get only the production facilities to be listed, by using type = "SIM_BUILDING" instead of the broader type = "CONSTRUCTION"

    print(commonapi.dmp ((game.interface.getEntities({ radius = 1e100 }, { type = "SIM_BUILDING", includeData=true }))))

    That one gets me high

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    Other than that, it's either Gojira or Clint Mansell :D

    My understanding of lua code is very basic, I'm learning it in a very empirical way.

    So due to my own limitations, I cannot get your code to work

    for j = 1, #TownsId do
    local id = TownsId[j]
    commonapi.dmp (game.interface.getEntity (id)), commonapi.dmp (game.interface. getTownCapacities (id)), commonapi.dmp (game.interface. getTownCargoSupplyAndLimit(id) )

    And removing print prompt an error. I must be lost in translation.

    I would like to test out that ", includeData=true" paramater to refine the getEntities => type list but, well, for now, I just don't know how to use it.

    PS : by the way, getIndustryProduction returns an integer. For example :

    print(commonapi.dmp (game.interface.getIndustryProduction (10411)))


    PSbis: nevermind my misunderstanding, I think I get it now :
    print(commonapi.dmp ((game.interface.getEntities({ radius = 1e100 }, { type = "SIM_BUILDING", includeData=true }))))

    Hi VaccumTube,

    thanks a lot for your input.

    Do you know what "includeData=true" does exactly?

    What Ido use is

    local CId = (game.interface.getEntities({ radius = 1e100 }, { type = "CONSTRUCTION" }))
    for j = 1, #CId do
      local id = CId[j]
      print(commonapi.dmp (game.interface.getEntity (id)))

    (I don't really know why "j" by the way, I simply seen it like that in a tutorial)

    And it seems to output the same result, for a Quarry eg.

    Here is what I believe is a town's industrial building :

    As you did mention, simBuildings does have an ID in the first case, a production facility, while it's empty in the second, a workplace.
    The opposite for townBuildings.
    I've also noticed that non production industries have "name = "no name",".
    I'll lookup in the files if I can find some simBuildings id soemwhere.

    What industries on your test map "didn't produce anything and didn't have any entries of Cargotype in their simbuilding table."?
    Would you have an stdout or even a savegame?


    Hi Karsten,

    assuming that you are talking about this one:…iledetails/?id=1994993385

    What did mod do si to replace the file townbuildingutil.lua , folder in the. \ res \ scripts \ with a modified version of it. So if you do edit it by yourself, you can set this value in a file without mod.

    (Backup, backup and backup.)

    Lines 142, it adds :

    local personCapacityCalculate = params.capacity * 0.5
    if personCapacityCalculate <1 then 
    personCapacityCalculate = 1 

    Line 149, it change :

    capacity = params.capacity


    capacity = personCapacityCalculate

    You may want to read the comments though, the effects of such change seems quite unintended.

    I think it was explained during the campaign, or through the in-game help or even as you hover over it?

    The rate is the amount of goods that is delivered through this line yearly (in game parlance that is every 12 minutes circa, at standard time flow).
    You can increase that rate by improving the amount of cargo (ie. By adding more vehicles or choosing vehicles with a bigger capacity) or the speed at which that cargo is delivered (ie. By lowering the frequency, by adding more vehicles or choosing faster vehicles).

    So keep an eye on your stations, you don't them to be overstuffed and goods wasted. If that happen then simply extend the numbers of platforms so ut can hold more cargo.

    PS : everything I write is as far as I know as of today, I may be wrong.

    Hey there,

    I'm quite new to the game and I was in your situation very often, much less now.
    What I would do is to check the rate of each lines, starting in the town itself then coming from the factories.
    The rate should be at least equal to the demand.
    Hope it helps

    maybe a quick and dirty fix would be to change the dates at which the lights are available?

    \ res \ config \ traffic_light\

    in all lua files, set the yearFrom value to like 2070?

    I wish I knew a smarter and prettier way to create a mod to sitwh off and on that option though.


    in .\Transport Fever 2\res\config :

    I guess that if the model isn't mentioned in the list, it is available in all vehicle sets.

    Hope it helps

    Hi there,

    would anyone know the possible variables for that getEntities command?

    I know that type = "CONSTRUCTION" works but I would like to filter more precisely the industries that are producing goods.

    Here are the ones I found in the lua files :







