Beiträge von Claude

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    If someone ever need to do it too, here is what I do to get the datas about the towns, thanks to the Console.
    combine steps 2, 3 and 4 into:

    local TownsId = (game.interface.getTowns ())
    for j = 1, #TownsId do
    local id = TownsId [j]
    print (commonapi.dmp (game.interface.getEntity (id)), commonapi.dmp (game.interface. getTownCapacities (id)), commonapi.dmp (game.interface. getTownCargoSupplyAndLimit (id)))

    and to get the industries:

    local CId = (game.interface.getEntities ({radius = 1e100}, {type = "CONSTRUCTION"}))
    for j = 1, #CId do 
    local id = CId [j] 
    print (commonapi.dmp (game.interface.getEntity (id))) 


    1) select the script thread

    2) input

    commonapi.dmp (game.interface.getTowns ())

    3) open the stdout.text, copy the answer

    4) input

    local a = {The IDs I got from # 2} for k, v in pairs (a) do
    print (commonapi.dmp (game.interface.getEntity (v)), commonapi.dmp (game.interface. getTownCargoSupplyAndLimit (v)))

    I then get, for example:

    I haven't been able to get the Towns' IDs in an array that can be used right away. Hopefully I'll learn how to code it properly.

    Next I'm gonna try to have that in a mod and have it save the datas in a txt file.

    Thanks a lot eis_os for that awesome tool!

    In the Linie 3 paramaters, could it be that the ship undload instructions have changed for that station?

    Other than that, could you maybe upload your save somewhere? I can't see well on your screenshots, my eyes are getting bad.

    It would be interesting to know at what intervals the saturation is queried.

    Maybe that is related to this parameter?

    game.config.townDevelopInterval = 60
    game.config.chargeMaintenanceInterval = 60

    base_config.lua in .\Transport Fever 2\res\config

    in .\Transport Fever 2\res\config :

    So I guess that the list can be altered without moving stuffs around then (unlike what this game is all about! ;) ).

    Thanks for your answer Vacuum Tube.
    I do have no experience with TF1.
    From the Lexicon, iIt seems that in TF1, the datas that were displayed were much more complete: Data structures returned by game.interface

    Thanks to eis_os , I do now know did in TF2 It Seems that die game.interface.getTowns does return to ID and game.interface. GetEntity does return a few datas.

    That is both in the Scrip thread or the GUI thread.

    HOWEVER, there is a table with every town's statistics accessible through the GUI, so I'm crawling through the game's files to see how it's done. EDIT: it's always after a post is sent did something new comes up! : D

    Addendum: Referring to [user = '37457'] CLEMARC [/ user] 's entry in the Lexicon: Create Mod with GameScript

    getTownCapacities output 3 figures which are, respectively: that town's amount of residents, shopping facilities and workplaces.

    using CommonAPI's console:
    1. commonapi.dmp (game.interface.getTowns ())
    2. commonapi.dmp (game.interface.getEntity (2058)) --so I know what's what
    3. commonapi.dmp (game.interface. getTownCapacities (2058))


    Thank you Nando.
    So that would be in .\res\models\models\model\vehicle\bus\asia for example.

    What about vehicles in the main folder, .\res\models\model\vehicle\bus for example?

    I do see some that appears in both Asian and European sets, the man_sl_192.mdl for example.

    Very good to know MaikC!
    So if I want a mod to appear only in Asian set, I have to create a folder in .\Local\mods,
    that is .\Local\mods\res\models\models\model\vehicle\bus\asia for example?

    By the way, is it a smart way to have a selection of vehicle made available in a set, instead of copying them manually?

    большое спасибо!
    Thanks a lot for your efforts "Picasso", that makes everything clear ;)

    8 and 12 would be the Cargo demand
    9, 10 and 20 would be Frequence in TF2
    15 would be the Rate in TF2

    - 24. In my opinion now it does not work. When this calculator was made, the game did not take into account the mass of the load, but only the weight of the locomotive and wagons, but now the weight of the loaded train is different from the empty weight.

    I focus on the power of the locomotive and the weight of the loaded train. But maybe I'm wrong.

    What about entering the mass of a loaded wagon in 24? That would be Capacity*1200 as far as I know.

    If you do read Russian, would it be convenient for you to help me understand the interface ?
    For now I'm using a virtual keyboard and Google translate but I feel that it isn't very efficient.

    1 Duration (day)
    2 Duration (ms)

    3 Duration year (sec)

    4 Duration year (min)

    5 Modify

    6 Automobiles

    7 Capacity

    8 Demand ??

    9 Interval (sec) [Rate]

    10 Interval (min) [Rate]

    11 Calculation (A)

    12 Demand ??

    13 Amount of elements ?? [Wagons?]

    14 Interval (min) [Rate]

    15 Capacity of one train ??

    16 Calculate

    17 Trains

    18 Wagons' capacity

    19 Maximum of wagons ??

    20 Duration of a trip (min) ?

    21 ??? amount of train

    22 Amount of wagons ?

    23 Calculation (A)

    24 Weight of cargo?

    25 Power

    26 Mass of the locomotive

    27 Mass of the wagons

    28 Coefficient ??

    29 Mass of the train ??

    30 Wagon of the train ??

    Salut Enzojz,

    do you think your script would still work with TF2?

    I might use in conjunction with getTown function to output the towns data, thus import them in Excel.
    I know that these datas are now displayed in a great table ingame but eh, I want to use overcomplicated formula so I can feel smart. :D
